How can i stop binge eating?

Q. Almost every single day i will binge eat to the point where i consume over 3500 calories! Thank god i have a fast metabolism, but i don't want to eat this way for the rest of my life. So please can someone give me tips to prevent eating a lot or how to keep my mind occupied on something else other then food? I will appreciate any advice given.

A. I suffered with binge eating, gained a stone and a half in 2 months with it, recovered and then started again. I am recovering again. You should read the book 'I can make you thin' by Paul mcKenna, it says you can eat what you want as long as you eat SLOWLY, CHEW FOOD WELL AND STOP WHEN YOU START TO FEEL FULL. This helped me become more aware of my stomachs signals giving me more power over my binges. But you must read the book to understand fully. Also, research positve affirmations for binge eating disorder. These helped me get more positive about stopping it. Before I eat something or start a binge, I take a drink, wait 15 mins and say to myself, do I really need this and how will I feel after I have eaten it? I try to respect my body. Also, I kind of frighten myself sometimes, binge eating damages the stomach and can lead to obesity. These possibilities make me stop. Im sorry I cant say there is a magic solution, but it just takes time and practice. Treat your body the best you can and you will get there. I have recovered so much without any professional help and so can anyone if they try hard enough. You make think that you have no self control but you would be surprised. Best of luck!!!

is it possible to have a binge eating disorder and anorexia at the same time?
Q. like one showing characteristics of each, just at different times? would you treat it the same way you would treat one individually?

A. i think that would be bulimia. people with bulimia don't necessarily purge to compensate for the calories they consume on a binge. bulimics may also restrict, use diuretics or laxatives or compulsively exercise to compensate for calories consumed. this website describes the diagnostic criteria for bulimia if you're interested
I think it would probably be most likely to be treated mostly as bulimia were treated.

what pills can i take to treat my binge eating disorder,depression,laziness and lack of motivation?
Q. I eat alot,binge on junk foods,breads,sweets and fastfood,I am unhappy,I dont take a bath or brush my teeth,I cant sleep well,Im extremely lazy,i dont excerciseI lack motivation in reaching my goals/dreams,and improving myself.Can you suggest any over the counter medication to treat my illness?Dont suggest seeing the dr.cuz i cant afford it.

A. This is NOT the place to ask that kind of stuff....and if you trust someone's advice off here as far as medicine goes, you are really making a stupid move. Talk to a counselor at school...apply for medical assistance....go to a free clinic in your area...but for your own NOT take any medicine advice off here!

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