How can i reduce my appetite and stop binge eating?

Q. Hi all,

I need to know how can i reduce my appetite and stop binge eating?

I know many of you will say deal with the emotional aspects about what causes me to do this but to be honest, i'm past caring and just need some ideas to stop myself.

Please don't bother posting stupid links to external sites for free trials of acai berry (or the equivalent) we all know its a scam. You can just buy it in a health food shop.

I really do need your help, i can't take it anymore

A. come up with a goal.
think of the goal and the consequences of it if you can't make it.
when you want food think of that.
it worked for me:)

what are easy ways to eat healthier and stop binge eating?
Q. i eat a lot of bread, chips, candy, and cheese, what are some healthier things? how should i eat to lose weight? what are some easy yummy recipes? also how can i stop binge eating?

A. There is no easy way for some, as it takes determination to avoid those things. Most will lack the self discipline to not buy them when out, and not have them in the house.

Have healthy snacks by you chair and if you keep yourself busy you will not be bothered to get up for more.
There is no need to avoid some of those things you like, but ration them. An example would be with potato chips and instead of getting the 50g bag or whatever size get the bigger bag that has 10-12 smaller packets in and take just one packet to snack on.
Have something like a small bowl with a dozen or more grapes and when you finish the small bag of chips have the grapes or nuts to clean the taste of chips from your mouth.

How to maintain my weight after losing weight?And how can I stop binge eating?
Q. I've been on a low calorie diet for about 2 months and lost 25 pounds, but now I can't stop binge eating and I gained about 5 pounds in a few days!
How do I maintain my weight WITHOUT dieting and exercise ( I don't have time to exercise more than once a week)? And why am I having a huge appetite lately? When I was on diet I could go for more than 16 hours without eating, but now I can't go more than 2-3 hours before I binge

A. Always prepare ahead and have healthy snacks to munch on in your purse to eat through out the day to keep your metabolism moving.

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