How to stop binge eating out of sheer boredom?

Q. Im really fat, and its ALL from boredom eating, its getting too out of hand and i really need to stop it. Please help its really ruining my life.!!! Ive been fat forever, please any advice, i would like to be skinny at some point in my life before im 25.

A. I find that you can still snack from time to time, but make sure it doesn't take over your life. When you do snack make sure it's healthy. Find a healthy food (fruit or vegetable) that you really like. For me it's carrots! I have learned to love them, and am addicted. When I want to snack, I snack. I grab like 4 handfuls of carrots and eat away.

IF you are trying to loose weight do it healthy. Try to boost your metabolism by eating six small meals a day and eats lots of fiber, protein (nuts), lean meats, and lots of fruits and vegetables. Try to cut back on junk food.

#1 suggestion: RUNNING! I know most people dread it and hate it, I did too when I first started. The first two weeks were bad, I was sore, and tired and it was hard. Over time I built up to it and now I'm addicted! Just start out easy, walking a mile, jogging a mile, running a mile, then 2, then 3. Before you know it you'll be running 6-8 miles a day, and the pounds will just shed off without you knowing it. Also exersice helps to prevent you from getting cravings and hungry all the time. When you run you want to be healthy and you'll subconciously start eating healthier and less. When your bored instead of reaching for the bag of chips, lace up your tennis shoes and go for a jog...your body will thank you forever!

How do i stop eating so much at night?
Q. I eat extremely healthy throughout the day and play outside all day long. Once night comes around, I find myself craving chocolate and candy and chips and i just go for it I can't stop now I'm ruining my great healthy day! Right now I'm sitting at my computer with my pants unbuttoned because they don't fit properly. They fit fine until my snack time binge!
Help what do I do?

A. to keep myself from bingeing at night, after eating dinner i brush my teeth and then chew winterfresh gum. it tastes good, keeps my mouth busy, and the minty flavor lasts forever!

If i stop eating for 2 months will i lose a noticeable amount of weight?
Q. Ok so the âplanâ is to stop eating for two months, the only thing i plan to consume is green tea, water and a stick of celery when i feel Iâm about to faint...
I know this is bad and i will gain it all back or i will binge and what not... but i just need to lose a noticeable amount of weight for my birthday, so please no bullshit answers, save your energy and just tell me what i want to know.

A. you'll lose weight but it'll be muscle and water and you'll end up with that yucky thin but fat look. like someone i saw on tv who was crash dieting and and went to the gym where the guy that worked there weighed her and said she was underweight but had a high percentage of body fat. and she looked awful btw. seriously dont! by losing muscle and then gaining more fat when you eat again all you will have achieved is extra fat and even while youre at a lower weight you will look ****.
i know you said you dont want to hear that but you need to know that by going about it that way it wont be worth it at all because, like i said, you will look crap! you will also slow your metabolism majorly so you'll probs only lose weight for the first few weeks. im not saying this in an attempt to put you off trying to pit you off losing lots of weight quickly, im saying it because you gota rethink your plan!
celery will get you nowhere it will just cause your body to go intostarvation mode and hold on to every drop of fat.
you should never eat less than 1200 calories a day because thats unhealthy, but personally i think thats nonsense! takes forever losing weight like that lol i usually have 500-800cals.

anywho heres an idea for you:-
3 days i week-300calories
3 days a week-do your original celery idea
1 day a week- 800 calories
i doubt you'll like the 800calorie idea but thats the only way the plan will work cuz it stops your body going into starvation mode.
do some exercise to keep your metabolism up, even if its just walking up and down your stairs a few times.
also, keep in my its not just the calorie content of food thats important its WHAT you eat. you need to have protein for your muscles, and vegetables are good for filling you up without loadsa calories. stay away from fruit though cuz most fruit has a high sugar content. its natural healthy sugar, not like the crap people put in their tea lol but it does cause fruit to have a higher calorific value than veg.

i know you wont want to be eating 300cals 3 days a week but trust me it will make you lose weight faster than just not eating and will make you look better too.
im currently doing a nutrition course and i used to be anorexic, so i know what im talking about :p

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