Can an over weight person have an eating disorder?

Q. Besides binge eating. Like if an overweight person suddenly stops eating and all they think about is how unhealthy food is. What are the warning signs of an eating disorder anyways?

A. overweight people can definitely develop anorexia and/or bulimia. The warning signs would be a drastic and sometimes very sudden change in eating patterns, sleeping patterns, and a growing obsession with their appearance. Granted many people are obsessive with their looks, but if you notice something very unusual - like he/she talks more about their looks than normal. Also, watch for a growing interest in much thinner people such as actresses and models that may appear to have an eating disorder. One more thing about appearance: if he or she sees themselves as MUCH heavier than they really are. I went through this with a very close friend and these things didn't hit me until after she began seeking help.

How can I lose 5 stone whilst battling an eating disorder?
Q. I have suffered with a binge eating disorder for several years and am now really struggling to lose any weight at all. I want to lose 5 stone in total but do not have a time limit. I can't stick to any diets cos of my eating disorder and my weight is stopping me exercising as I get so out of breath and in pain very quickly. HELP!!!!!!!

A. Getting help and beginning to recover from your binge eating disorder will be the largest factor in whether or not you will be able to lose weight. Generally, as a person overcomes his or her binge eating disorder, it becomes easier and easier to lose weight, but first you should focus on overcoming your eating disorder so that then you can lose weight more easily.
Overcoming an eating disorder is a very difficult process, and it will help you a lot to understand and deal with your eating disorder if you have professional help. Go to your doctor and explain about your eating disorder, then ask for recommendations to a psychologist and nutritionist specializing in eating disorders. You may also want to look in your area to see if there are any eating disorder support groups.
With your nutritionist, try to make a structured meal plan that will keep you full and prevent binging. Try to eat regularly, and measure out portion sizes, knowing beforehand how much of a food you want to have before you begin to eat it. Stick to foods that are lower in calories, such as fruits, vegetables, light breads, lowfat dairy and lowfat meat products. Avoid products high in fat or products that are very sugary, as these are usually higher in calories. Make sure that you stay hydrated, and make an effort to exercise regularly.
When you think that you may be about to binge, try to do something to distract yourself. Take a walk, listen to music, read a book, call a friend, take a nap, play a distracting game like tetris or minesweeper, do a crossword puzzle or sudoku - anything to keep your mind off food. Set healthy goals for yourself - you can't expect yourself to suddenly stop binging, but you can make goals to binge less often, or make more of an effort to prevent your binges. Reach out for the help and support of your friends and family, and the help of professionals who will be able to guide you through recovery and help you to obtain your weight loss goals.
Keep in mind that 5 stone is a lot to lose, and you should make sure it's healthy and possible for you to accomplish. Be patient, and don't expect instant weight loss. You will be best able to focus on and accomplish weight loss when you have recovered from your eating disorder, so focus on recovery as a first step toward losing weight. Remember that weight loss doesn't happen instantly - 1/2 to 1 pound of weight loss per week is a healthy goal.
I hope this has helped, and good luck!

Would you call this anorexia or binge eating?
Q. Okay, so my mum's freaking out thinking I'm going anorexic just because I've lessened my portions recently, lol. I admit it's because I want to go thin and I don't have the patience or time to exercise thanks to my assignments and the extra stress. I actually find skipping meals or eating something small appealing but I actually just binge-eat. Do you think there is potential of anorexia?

A. Anorexia: When you starve yourself completely.
Binge Eating: When you don't eat anything and then suddenly you eat EVERHTHING. Lol

Well, food disorders are not a joke.
And actually cutting your meals under than 1,300 will make it harder for you to lose weight because your body goes on danger mode.

Just watch what you eat.
Chose healthier options.

It's okay to want to lose weight, but do it the right way.
Stay healthy!

Good luck. :)

How long does it take to gain weight?
Q. If you are a certain weight, eat regularly for a while, and then suddenly binge one day...when do you see the results of this binge eating? When does the weight gain occur? The next day? After the food has been processed and is out of your system? Thanks.

A. I eat light foods like fruits and veggies nothing fried or with too many grams of fat like pizza or a burger during the week. However, once the weekend comes along I eat 1 bowl of veggies during the day then later at night i eat 3 grilled slices of chicken from jack in the box with an order of fries and diet coke. Then on sunday I would eat a bowl of veggies and a side order of grilled chicken with a pint of rice and beans half and half. Then maybe we go to rubys and I have more veggies and peak at my guys butterfinger milkshake and take some of his fries then I would weight 5 more lbs during those two days. But usually i restrict myself from fat foods during the week and run for an hour everyday and i lose the 5lbs withing 3-5 days. ;)

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