Binge eating and health problems?

Q. Aside from weight gain and weight gain related problems, what are some health risks associated with binge eating disorder?

A. There are many long term effects as well as weight gain/loss.
* Type 2 diabetes
* High blood pressure
* High blood cholesterol levels
* Gallbladder disease
* Heart disease
* Certain types of cancer.

can having an eating disorder effect your behaviour and moods?

A. BINGE EATING CAUSES: Obesity, Gallbladder disease, Heart and respiratory disorders,Increased risk of diabetes,Increased risk of high blood pressure
BULIMIA CAUSES: Damage to gastrointestinal system, Erosion of teeth enamel,Enlarged salivary glands, Chronic loss of bodily fluids,Dehydration,Lung irritation,Stomach spasms,Electrolyte imbalance that may lead to heart failure,
Skin rashes,Menstrual irregularities,Death!
ANOREXIA CAUSES: Osteoporosis,Nutritional deficiencies,Severe dehydration,Skin--dry, cracked, rough, grey or yellow,Nails--brittle,Hair--thin and dry,
Bruises easily,Sensitivity to cold,Amenorrhea--Temporary or permanent infertility,Cardiac irregularities,Death!
I suffer from depression and its not any fun at all to think that people think less of you or that you think you are not perfect enough and you think people will think less of you.. Your health is the only thing you can take care of, noone else can. Yes it can effect your your moods. Mentally and physically. I hope the best for you or somone you know having had this problem.

how do i stay on a water fast?
Q. i am 15 years old and i am 5'6 and 220 pounds (yes i know i am fat) i have tried diets and i always cheat. i researched water fasts amd think it will work. but how do i keep myself from cheating? im going to see food and want to eat. if i get offered del taco, im gonna get a quessadilla. how do i stick to this water fast? oh yeah and i have large breasts and would like to have smaller breasts so if this fast does work, will it take weight off my breasts?

A. Drinking only water and eating nothing at all is unhealthy in so many ways. It may cause you to lose weight quickly - but losing weight too quickly (more than 2 lbs a week) can be a real strain on the liver and can cause gallbladder problems. And the second and usually most important problem is that it doesn't teach you how to eat properly. Obviously you're not going to drink water for the rest of your life, and crash dieting such as starvation is not going to teach you how to eat better. It's years of bad eating habits that have gotten you to where you are and if you don't learn how to eat properly for life, you're just going to end up right back to where you were before (and usually with additional weight).

Instead, set yourself a sensible meal plan. Consume at least 1200 calories a day - bare minimum. Plan ahead and get the support of your friends and family. They shouldn't be offering you food that's obviously bad for you, and if you're eating small and healthy snacks throughout the day you won't be hungry and will have more will power to resist the temptation to binge on food that's bad for you.

But yes, when you lose weight some will come from your breasts as well. Many women actually notice more weight loss from their breast than other places since they are fatty tissue.

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