What would likely happen to a type 2 diabetic who ate a huge bowl of white pasta, with a loaf of?

Q. white italian bread covered with butter, 2 large cokes, 3 large brownies and 4 hershey bars for dessert?
Most uncontrolled diabetes ends with long term damage and issues, but would a meal such as mentioned have an immediate major problem other than his sugar level going to the moon?

A. That's a good question. Assuming that the Type 2 diabetic doesn't have any fast-acting insulin on hand to bring blood sugar down, the person would spike very high. Any level over 140 mg/dL is dangerous in the long-term sense, and should be avoided whenever possible, but a Type 2 diabetic probably wouldn't need to go to the emergency room until blood sugar started approaching around 500 mg/dL, unless the Type 2 began testing positive for ketones in the urine. (Diabetic ketoacidosis is rare in a Type 2.) The reason I say 500+ mg/dL is because Type 2s are much more vulnerable to hyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketotic syndrome or a "diabetic coma" and that occurs around 600 mg/dL.

Not every diabetic would spike up that high even from that atrocious meal, but I have a diabetic friend who spiked up to 400 mg/dL just from a piece of a cake, so it's possible.

If the diabetic didn't approach an emergency blood sugar level, what'd happen is that blood sugar would stay elevated for a while, depending on the person, and then the diabetic *may* start dropping rapidly as the pancreas desperately tries to bring down blood sugar. This could result in reactive hypoglycemia. I had reactive hypoglycemia spiking up to 150 mg/dL once, so I've seen it on my meter and I know it happens.

Once blood sugar finally comes down on its own, the diabetic may see elevated blood sugar on his meter for days. The reason is that the liver has just stored all this glycogen (think of it like sugar) from that meal, so in the morning when the liver pumps out glucose, the effect is probably going to be magnified. Rarely does a Type 2 diabetic not see the effects of a binge later on down the road.

How can I stick with a water fast?
Q. I am doing this for three reasons: 1) to lose fifteen pounds 2) to end my binge eating disorder and 3) to restore my health and state of self-control. Please, no "DONT DO THIS!" I have decided that this is the only way.

A. I'm 16 years old and I'm currently on day 34 of a 40 day water fast. My motivation came from reading 'Fasting and Eating for Health' by Joel Fuhrman M.D. It explains water fasting in depth, what to expect, WHY you feel the way you do during a fast. It also lists the illnesses and diseases prolonged water fasting has cured, like asthma, eczema, chronic migraines, cases of cancer/tumors. It has also repaired damaged livers and lungs of people who have spent most of their life drinking and smoking.

Fasting is a powerful thing, but it gets a bad reputation from people who have been "brainwashed" into thinking meat is a good thing, or milk is required for your body to stay healthy. Also, from doctors who believe this is a "starvation diet."

Please note: You are NOT starving until you have about 5% body fat left. You feed off of fat reserves until there are very few left. THAT'S when you begin feeding off of your organs, and not a minute before.

This country is a business driven by money, not your safety. The FDA wants your money. The food companies want your money. Health care professionals want your money! They could care less about damaging your organs as long as they're furthering their business. Your doctors want to prescribe you medicine for your addiction, illness, injury, etc. because it makes THEM money.

Sorry for the rant, I just feel very strongly about this.

Good luck <3 !

Can I completely rid my body of toxins over a period of time?
Q. When I was in high school I drank extremely excessively and I think my kidney's and liver may be damaged. I want to know if I can strengthen or rehabilitate my organs as long as I do not binge or drink excessively anymore and by taking vitamins, eating healthy, and being balanced.

A. Your last word says it all -- balanced. Do some reading and find herbals that support the elimination system. Look especially at aloe vera juice. Also, anything green supports the liver -- the darker green, the better. Look at ways to balance the alkaline/acid content of your body, as well. You can also buy pre-packaged total body cleanses at the health food store for about $35.

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