Is binge eating healthy to gain weight if you are underweight?

Q. I'm 5ft 3 and 98lbs. I have been binge eating and I've gained like 2lbs every few days. I probably eat around 10,000-20,000 calories a day. No joke. My stomach hurts quite a bit sometimes. It's really, really bloated also and round. I try to balance out my diet though, so it's not like I am eating just one thing.

A. No, this is not recommended. Rapid weight gain is very hard on your heart.

Try eating normal meals, and having an Ensure twice a day, as snacks between breakfast/lunch and lunch/dinner.

If you have trouble gaining, you should get an appointment with a nutritionist, they will help you do it in a healthy way.

What should you do when you feel like binge eating?
Q. I'm not fat or anything, I'm actually leaning towards being underweight. However, I have a problem with binge eating out of nervousness. Any advice?

A. Hi Peter,
Sounds like you need to learn to deal with your nervousness in other ways instead of using food. Take care of the underlying problem and the binge eating will take care of itself.
Take a look at these pages about dealing with stress:
and about emotional eating:

Dealing with your emotions in more self caring ways (different things would suit different people â from going out for a walk, phoning a friend, keeping a journal, reading a book, having a bath, playing with a petâ¦.etc), and getting involved in activities that increase your confidence and self esteem, can all help increase our coping abilities for the long-term.


How long does it take for metabolism to normalize after an eating disorder?
Q. I am beginning recovery for my bulimia. I'm a nonpurging bulimic meaning that I binge and then overexercise and fast to compensate for all the calories (stupid idea!). I lost 20 lbs doing this and became quite underweight but I have managed to gain weight back and am 5"6 and 125 lbs.

I'm really uncomfortable at this weight and would like to lose about 5-7 lbs, the healthy way and I know it won't as fast as it did with my other crazy regime. I am eating about 6 times day, no more binge eating on high cal foods, and I am not depriving myself. I also have limited myself to an hour and 15 mins of exercise a day, 7 days a week, which may still seem a little much. How long do you think it would take me to lose 5-7 lbs doing it this way? I do not want to weigh less than 118, I have a lot of muscle and once I get down to around 120, I begin to look too skinny.


A. Up to three months

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