Whats an easy way to gain weight if you have a fast metabolism?

Q. I'm a guy who's 6'1 and 150lbs. I work out and try to eat as much as possible but right now I'm just super toned when i need more bulk how can I achieve this? Without junkfood or binge eating of course.

A. Gaining weight & muscle is a two step process: you have to eat more and lift weights or engage in some sort of strength training routine.

The most important rule to remember if you want to gain weight is to eat more calories than you burn. Only by doing this can your body use the excess energy to build muscle. If you eat less than you burn, there is no way to gain weight, it's as simple as that. Your first step is to figure out how many calories your body burns per day. Use this calculator http://calorieneedscalculator.com to get an estimate. Now eat more than you burn and you're on your way to gaining muscle.

Gaining weight is as simple as eat more than you burn but if you want to gain muscle, you also need to exercise. If you just ate more without lifting weights, you'd just gain fat and become unhealthy and overweight. When you lift weights (or participate in any strength training) you're actually causing some damage to your muscles.

When you rest, your body uses those extra calories to repair and rebuild the muscles. When this process is complete, the muscle is stronger and a bit bigger than it was before. You obviously won't notice a difference right away, but over time you will find yourself becoming stronger and bigger.

You need to keep your diet clean to gain the right kind of weight. Stay away from sugary and simple carb foods such as candy, foods made with white flour, soda and other junk. These foods will promote fat storage, something you don't need. Stick to foods made from whole wheat flour, oats, brown rice, lean sources of protein (chicken, some cuts of beef, fish), nuts, beans, legumes and protein shakes - yum yum. If you need more details, go to the Straight Health Forums - http://forums.straighthealth.com

Where can I find online eating disorder chat room, blog, forum?
Q. I have been struggling with a mild form of anorexia and now binge eating. Where can I find some online chat room, or site with blogs for people who have eating disorders?

Thanks very much

A. Support forum - http://www.anad.org/5106/22364.html
Online support - http://www.something-fishy.org/online/options.php
Forum for eating disorder support -http://www.dailystrength.org/c/Eating-Disorders/support-group
Eating disorder support - http://ed-support.com/
A list of support groups - http://groups.yahoo.com/search?query=anorexia

Hope that you find help at these forums, and good luck with your recovery

how do you get rid of binge eating disorder?
Q. Anyone who has suffered from the disorder have any advice on how to heal from it?

A. I would say that receiving professional help is the best path towards recovery from BED.

Binge Eating Disorder, along with many other EDs, is only a SYMPTOM of the real underlying condition. For example: BED is to major depressive disorder, as tingling/numbness in hands or feet is to diabetes. The eating disorder is the symptom of the major depressive disorder, much like the tingling is a symptom of diabetes. In other words, if you or someone you know is struggling with BED, itâs best to talk with a psychologist/therapist (one who specializes in EDs). The professional is trained to help individuals find better coping mechanisms for certain stressors in their life.

However, if you choose to not seek professional help there are many books that deal with EDs and healthy coping mechanisms. The best one Iâve come across is Life Without ED. Check it out.

But in all honesty the best solution is to ask for professional help. Hope you find what you need.

P.S. Some key things to remember during your recovery:
1) People go forward AND backward in recovery, be patient with yourself
2) Rid yourself of the ALL or NOTHING thought process (this means donât beat yourself up if you âbingeâ during the recovery process)
3) Think of every âbingeâ as a learning process. Try to examine what youâre stressed out about (could be work, school, social gatherings, celebrations, etc.)
4) Develop a support system. Find someone you can vent to about your binge episodes (OA or ANAD group meetings, online forums, journal, family, etc.)
5) IMPORTANT: You have nothing to be ashamed of. All eating disorders are a disease. They do not reflect who you are as a person!

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