how to recover from one day binge eating?

Q. I've been on a really strict diet for the past few months. I've been eating anywhere from 800-1500 calories a day but burning 1000 just in the gym for 3 days a week and the other days I would do a lighter exercise like a 3-5 mile walk or a 7 vs. 7 soccer game. most of the time my calorie intake would be around 1000, and probably around 1500 maybe twice.

anyway a couple days ago I decided to up my calorie intake to about 1500 average to try to maintain my weight cause I don't want to loose more, I just want to maintain it.

I was having a hardtime and was was closer to around 1200. I feel pretty guilty eating more

well today for breakfast I had a pb&J on 100 cal bread thins which had about 200 calories
a 387 calorie bran muffin lunch

all was fine till dinner and my dad made tacos

I had 7 and two large servings of spanish rice

the tacos were the authentic mexican kind
they were carne asada/chicken

on a grilled corn tortilla with chile and onion (not like the chile and onion has calories)

im guessing my calorie intake today was around 2900

do you think If tomorrow i eat around 750 calories by eating only things like salads, egg whites, zucchini, and maybe a slimfast I will be okay

the rest of next week should I stay in the 1000 range or continue my plan back to the 1500.
i don't want to gain weight, how do i fix this

A. If you are burning 1000 calories from excercise, you can eat that much without gaining weight.

how insane is this binge?
Q. I started out the day good, just like any other day...

bowl of cheerios w/ skim milk
1/2 cup of orange juice

quaker chewy granola bar

whole grain tortilla w/ cheddar cheese
1/2 cup spanish rice
1tbsp sour cream and some salsa

right before work i binged...
5 pickles
2 cubes cheddar cheese
2 poptarts
8 hershey's kisses
1 mini butterfinger
scoop of ice cream w/ maple syrup and reddi whip
100 cal pack cookies

1-1/2 grilled cheese sandwiches
half a plate of french fries
1 pudding cup
2 scoops ice cream w/ maple syrup
handfull of pretzels
6 jolly rancher hard candies

I'm an 18 year old female btw...

A. Instead of counting calories, or measuring portions, you trick your sluggish metabolism into overdrive with weird combination's of food.

You might have roast beef deli slices and skim milk, or boiled eggs and peanuts.

You can have ALL YOU WANT of these foods at the prescribed time, just don't eat until you feel like you are going to pop. You eat until you feel satisfied and comfortable.

You pick the foods on your diet in a diet generator program on your computer.

You eat every 2 1/2 hours; and you eat four meals, not three.

They claim you can lose 9 pounds every 11 days or so. My first 9 days on this diet, I lost 13 lbs, my 2nd week I lost 7 over all, 20 lbs in two & 1/2 weeks and i never felt hungry. Worth the $30 or so for the diet if you ask me. I've only been on this diet for 2 1/2 weeks or so now, but I feel GREAT. I feel lighter on my feet, more energetic..I don't know how to explain it honestly, it's just an awesome feeling!

Anyways, Check it out here!

Good luck, and let me know how it goes! :-)


10 Points for a fluent Spanish speaker?
Q. Try to be SIMPLE AS POSSIBLE, and translate the following into Spanish:

- None of my friends drink.
- There are many alcoholics in the UK, many people get drunk and some even do binge drinking.
- You can get addicted, it can make you commit crimes and it can make you violent.
- Alcohol is addictive just like smoking and they can really damage your body.

- I will eat more fruit and vegetables and avoid fatty foods.
- I would like to go for a run regularly and take up a sport.
- I need to change my habit of eating too many sweets.
- I want to be more healthy so that I won't feel stressed.


A. Ninguno de mis amigos beben bebidas alcoholicas.
Hay muchos alcohólicos en el Reino Unido, muchas personas se emborrachan, y algunos incluso beben en exceso.
Usted puede hacerse adicto, puede que cometa delitos y puede hacerse violento.
El alcohol es adictivo como fumar y realmente puede dañar su cuerpo.

- Voy a comer más frutas y verduras y evitar alimentos grasos.
- Me gustaría ir a correr con regularidad y practicar deportes.
- Necesito cambiar mi costumbre de comer demasiados dulces.
- Quiero ser más saludables para no sientirme estresada.

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