Will I ever be able to control my binge eating?

Q. I've been struggling with bulimia for 3 years now and my weight has been going up and down for a while. I am really trying to lose weight now in a healthy way (exercising and eating healthy) but I still have really bad urges to binge eat all of the time. The few days I haven't given in and fought against the cravings. So my question is will the urges to binge go away over time if i stop giving into them?

A. most important thing is to do this naturally..without medicines, chemicals, "starving" your self etc.

first, it would be best for you to eat as healthy as possible..this will also help you considerably to lose weight gradually and naturally..

eat fresh fruits, vegetables, drink plenty of WATER..avoid all cokes, caffeines, smoking, alchohol etc. as these also add weight as well as they contain chemicals which disturb your natural bio rythmns as well as brain chemistry. try not to eat too much meat, and the meat you should eat should be "lean meat" such as steamed chicken and rice, or steamed fish with rice..and vegetables,, this should be your staple diet rice and vegetables with fruits..AVOID "JUNK FOOD" and "Fast Food" as this type of food is very unhealthy, lacking in vitamins really and has plenty of fattening molecules which make one gain weight and is not good .

if you snack,, try fruits with yogurt or fruit yogurt and nuts.. nuts are very healthy for your body .and contain proteins.

go for walks every evening or morning or whenever you get time each day for 1 hour or 2 hours..make this somewhere you enjoy walking even if you have to drive a bit to there..and make this a daily routine..you will enjoy it once you get into it ..and it makes you feel great after..just walking for 1 hour or 2 hours.

if you do this..every day for one month ..you should lose at least 10 pounds per month until you get to your natural healthy weight..dont know what your height is,,but look up on the internet what your weight for your height should be ..and when you get to this weight,,your body will look very nice and you will feel very good.

10 pounds each month in 6 months you should lose 60 pounds..for sure...but no junk food and dont drink alcohol or smoke, dont eat junk..just healthy food with vitamins and walking 1 hour or 2 hours every day..and drink plenty of water..this is guaranteed way to lose weight naturally and for good, if you stick to this, which you should,,as it makes you feel so much more positive due to the vitamins and lack of chemicals making you feel depressed...

btw, forgot to mention,,just in case you dont know how to really make healthy meals..buy a "food steamer" at your local deparment store..they are very cheap and work very well..as well as buy a "rice cooker" which is also very cheap..eating rice is a great way to get your necessary carbs "healthy carbs" to lose weight and has lots of natural energy inside. you can buy asian rice at most large supermarkets or if you have a local oriental market..they sale quality asian rice.. thai or indian rice is good "jasmine rice".. buy corn or canola oil to sprinkle on vegetables or rice before steaming to add to taste as well as you can buy several nice spices like "cumin" or "Curry powders", etc.just sprinkle on the vegetables before steaming to give nice taste.

drink "Green Tea" as this is very healthy and helps burn weight faster...you can buy quality green tea at most oriental shops or large supermarkets as well.

good luck

What should I do after my binge eating days?
Q. I just ate A LOT yesterday. So much so that my stomach is still sore. Anyway, my question is what exactly should I do now? I tried to look into this, but have gotten mixed answers.

One says to restrict myself the next few days to few calories. Another says to act as though as nothing has happened. What should I do?

Also what should I do when I "feel" I need to eat. I need to tackle this problem as a whole. What can I do stop this binge eating habit?

A. Start eating more vegetables and some fruit (not a lot). I'd also recommend seeing a chiropractor to make sure that you system is working properly. They may be able to help with motility throughout your GI tract. If things move faster, you shouldn't feel as full all the time then.

But eating more veggies should help.

How do I stop a craving for healthy food?
Q. I tend to binge-eat on healthy foods like watermelon and other fruits, and even salad with fat free dressing. How do I stop this craving? The calories do end up adding up. I've already had a ton of water, I don't know why the cravings never quit.

A. Actually, I don't agree that you are eating healthy. Salads topped with fat free dressing is not such a good choice as the dressing is just empty calories that don't leave you full. Just because it's "fat free" doesn't mean calorie free.

I agree with what a few others have said; the reason your hungry is because you're not eating any protein. Begin by incorporating some lean meats like baked fish or chicken breast with some broccoli. Additionally, although fruits contain vitamins that watermelon is high glycemic and just contributing to unnecessary sugar intake.

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