What kinds of food can u eat on a diet that actually taste good?

Q. Im on a diet and I hate salads so whats another thing i can eat that is good for u and taste good

A. You need to watch out for pleasure traps. Humans were designed to crave sugar, fat/oil, salt because these items were deficient in early human diets. When a primitive human found a store of nuts, for instance, it benefited humans who ate them. Humans were subjected to periods of famine and feasts. Those humans who stored energy were more likely to survive and were rewarded when they binged on calorie laden foods. Today, the food industry is adept at making foods that are clinically addictive to humans. That's why people tend to binge on ice cream, soda, chips, and other snack foods. The weight loss diets of today's humans are interpreted by the body as periods of famine. The body and primitive mind is smart enough to know that it must save up calories for future periods of famine. (This sounds like a yo-yo diet. Doesn't it.) Today, we consume a diet that is far to rich in processed food items and animal based food products. Some claim the obesity epidemic is due to excess portions, especially fatty animal based foods.

If you want to maintain health, it's a good idea to adjust your tastes to prefer a whole plant based diet as described by Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Jr. and many other experts in the field of human nutrition. It takes some skill to prepare healthy food that is delicious, but it can be done. Unfortunately, we have been taught to eat excess fat, excess oil, excess sugar, excess refined carbohydrates, and excess salt. You must train your palette to prefer the taste of whole foods.

The best book on the topic is written by Dr. Neal Barnard:

Breaking the Food Seduction: The Hidden Reasons Behind Food Cravings---And 7 Steps to End Them Naturally

Another good book for background is:

Forks Over Knives: The Plant-Based Way to Health [Paperback]
Gene Stone (Editor), Dr. T. Colin Campbell (Foreword), Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn Jr. (Foreword)

"Forks Over Knives" is available in book and DVD formats. They are both excellent.

To eat food that is delicious and tastes good and doesn't cause health problems requires someone who is an excellent cook and who follows a "whole plant based diet." Although I don't share their beliefs, I do know that the Seventh Day Adventists often offer classes in cooking and health. Healthy food often does not seem as delicious to someone who eats that Standard American Diet (SAD).

If you don't care about your health and your waste line, then you can just watch PBS and cook delicious food that is calorie rich and fatty.

What is an effective way to lose ten pounds, and keep it off?
Q. I am 18, exercise in between 12-16 hours a week, and for the past three weeks I have been managing my diet as best I can. I lost around three noticable pounds, and in the past week have gained it back and more. I'm still in the healthy range for weight but I would like to lose around ten pounds so I can feel more comfortable with myself. I feel like I have hit a brick wall, I am always hungry (I am a competitive swimmer), I am now gaining weight (when before I basically lived on Wendy's), and I am wondering why this is happening and how I can fix it...I felt better when I was eating everything I wanted, not to mention I felt slimmer...am I doing something wrong? is there a more effective way to approach this?

A. Actually, I'm not surprised that you were feeling better and slimmer when you were eating everything you wanted. That is how naturally thin people eat. They eat whatever they want and whenever they want. The key is that people who never struggle with their weight eat when they are hungry and stop when they are full. They do not eat for emotional reasons.

Many times when people start trying to lose weight and watch their diet, they lose touch with their hunger and fullness cues. Also, the forbidden foods become more appealing as we try to keep ourselves from them. Binge eating and emotional eating then can be triggered.

I suggest that you work on your self-esteem and trusting that your weight and your body is exactly where it should be. Our society tells us that we are all supposed to look a certain way, with thinness being held up at the end all and be all. Do you think you can be happy and feel fabulous at your current weight? If not, I suggest you get some help with that from an outside source or read some books on raising your self-esteem. Whatever you do, do not start the diet cycle. It can begin a yo-yo weight cycle that lasts a lifetime.

If these ideas seems like something you'd like to learn more about, head over to our website for a free E-course about teen weight loss and body-esteem.

How is a coffee and water fast?
Q. Age 17.
Height 5'4
CW 115

I'm getting real serious about dropping 15 pounds and was wondering how this fast would work.?
I wanna go at it for about a week & then do this once a month while eating mostly fruit & vegetables when I'm not on a fast. Along with exercising, how effective would this be?

A. Well if you do this and then start eating again, your metabolism will have slowed a great deal. What I do is I eat under 1200 calories a day. I only eat breakfast and dinner and it seems tobe working for me. It's not good to do that because its called yo-yo dieting and eventaully your body will give in. If you can stick with it, very effective. But if your body binges after a while like mine and most people's bodies do, you will be just the same if not heavier than you were before. Just be careful !(:

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