What are some good tips to folow for a diet that will help keep the punds off?


A. It is a juggling trick: costs, time, effort, health, long-term, short-term.
Always be healthy -- avoid illness, dementia and increase your energetic feelings. Get a good night's sleep and walk. Food is addictive.
Tip #1 do NOT use the MEASUREMENT system that you are familiar with... e.g. if you know British Imperial Stones-and-Pounds or US American Pounds, then use only kilogrammes, and vice-versa. That way, you have no baggage, no expectations, no emotional tie to the numbers coming off the scales!

Tip #2. Because you use Pounds, aim for an average of 0.1kg/day which is obviously 1kg every ten days, and 10kg every hundred days. Get a friend to knock you up an Excel SPREADSHEET with a graph of actual loss as well as the average line.

Tip #3. Despite what all the 'experts' say, WEIGH YOURSELF twice each day -- before you eat and before you go to bed, and put them in your spreadsheet. For one thing you will discover the bizarre fact that the weighing of your local slimming class could well be on your worst day -- everyone has a particular best weighing time, for me it is Tuesday morning as the graph best represents what's going on for me -- whereas my friend's best time is Saturday night. You'll know what I mean if you do a spreadsheet, the weight fluctuates madly except for your best times -- so slimming clubs can fall on a bad cycle, be erratic and give a bad picture which will spoil your mood (and therefore chances). Once you know your best time, you can always just weigh yourself (after you hit your target) at that time each week to keep on track. Close monitoring will also allow you to react really quickly -- instead of waiting a week to find out that a slip up has caused you disaster.

Tip #4. Drink a LOT of water throughout the day (but not cold or from the fridge). Water that is too cold makes you go to the toilet too fast and too often. let it sit. Also, it is VERYT important NEVER to drink FIZZY water or indeed any fizzy drinks as this cancells out weight loss. Drinking STILL WARM WATER will make you lose more weight more steadily as well as filling you up.

Tip #5. WALKING is better than going to the gym (official) and also recent studies have found that you will benefit in later years because walking reduces your chances of getting dementia. Your brain stays sharp. Develop the walking habit, and walk at a fair pace -- do not amble. The recommended amount is at least 10 THOUSAND steps each day! get a pedometer! It's always better to exercise with a buddy than to motivate yourself all the time.

Tip #7. Most religions of the world have food rules. The Jews are right about the milk and meat mix -- dairy products stop you getting vitamins, so even though your breakfast cereal is fortified with vitamins, the milk stops your body's ability to access them! Goodbye to cheeseburgers! Also FASTING the odd day or so will detox, and empower you (you start to call the shots) -- it's a mind game as much as anything else. Only use a fast to compensate when your spreadsheet curve starts to rise -- it will keep you (immediately) from falling behind in your program! In a way it's the solution to a binge or backslide!

Tip #8. For health: take a spoonful of honey just before bed. 5 fruits and veg portions each day -- and always have porrage oats for breakfast (made in the microwave with oats and water). Eat a Mediterranean diet (little and often and before sleep/siesta). Always take vitamin pill that has Vitamin-A and Vitamin-E together. The Polymeal: Consuming the following six foods regularly can cut your risk of heart disease by 76 per cent according to researchers in the Netherlands. Below shows the recommended intake of each one and by how much it cuts your risk of 'cardiovascular' illness.

WINE (One small glass -- 150_ml/day) - 32 per cent
FISH (One serving 4 times/week) - 14 per cent
DARK CHOCOLATE (100_g/day) - 21 per cent
FRUIT AND VEGETABLES (140_g/day) - 21 per cent
GARLIC (2.7_g/day) - 25 per cent
ALMONDS (A handful a day -- 68_g/day) - 12.5 per cent

Everything else is down to the individual -- I say keep a daily record, make immediate changes (fast), TRICK THE METABOLISM -- which tries to fool you by moving the goalposts -- keep a CLOSE eye on it, drink the water do the walking and watch it work forever! Some folk do the Weightwatchers easy points system, others like the http://www.csiro.au/ Total Wellbeing Diet -- Australian thing.

If you're not underweight can you still be anorexic?
Q. I know with anoerixia your weight is usually unstable and anoerixics start somewhere so they could start at any weight but if you seem to have the eating patterns of an anoerixic yet your weight stays the same for a while or is average does that mean its just unhealthy eating habits?

A. Yes.

My personal experience: I started off obese and I had some really bad experiences and family stuff going on so I started this unhealthy diet where I wouldn't eat anything from the morning until dinner and I would purge my dinner. I lost a ton of weight but I was never underweight. At the end of my eating disorder I was in the normal weight range. However, my healthy was really bad.

It would really help if you told me what your "anorexic eating patterns" were. Anorexics restrict themselves from eating, calories or grams of fat. A common mistake about Anorexics is that people say that they do not eat anything. Anorexics do eat but not a lot. If a normal person their age were to take 2,200 calories, maybe they would only eat 100.

A purging anorexic (like I used to be) also restricts. However there is a gland that is called something like the gremlin gland and when you don't eat, that gland tells your body that it is in starvation mode. So after you restrict, you eat a lot and than you force yourself to throw up, or purge.

A bulimic is a person who eats normally and then binges and purges.

An orthorexic is a person who is extremely health conscious. They will go to extremes to make sure that they eat "perfect" foods. This can include organic raw foods. They will refuse to eat anything that is not healthy and they can purge if they do.

The problem with eating disorders is that you loose weight, which is your goal... but your "goal is never enough" your going to want to loose more and more weight. Just like alcohol and drugs are, eating disorders are an addiction. I like to look at it as a graph

Low self esteem --> the urge to have a nice body --> extreme diet exercise --> more low self esteem.

The only way eating disorders go away is when they are treated. If you have any of these symptoms go to your pediatrician and see what he reccomends. The earlier you go the better, You may want to loose weight now, but there is a healthier way.

Advice on a power point presentation?
Q. For Pdhpe I have to make a visual power point presentation on the determinants of health this is the task:
You have been charged with the task of investigating the level of influence that the determinants of health have on the behaviours of young people in areas such as binge drinking, eating breakfast, using sun protection, engaging in sexual activity, using ecstasy and other illicit drugs, wearing a seatbelt, accessing health services and being active. You are to present your findings on a PowerPoint presentation that uses only visual prompts; no words. The presentation can include pictures, graphs, cartoons, photos and movie footage to communicate the key points. You will be given five minutes to present your ideas.
I have no idea where to start, any ideas would be great or any similar presentations that anyone has

A. I would start with some stats you can find or make your own graph with excel or power-point then go to Google images and find pics that pertain to the criteria needed sometimes you will find a graph that fits what you are talking about there is all kinds of documentaries on everyone of those topics and thorough researched i tend to throw in a little humor in funny picks so people don't get bored

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