Question for fit people who ocasionally binge eat?

Q. How do you recover from an eating binge to get back to where you were? In terms of not feeling crappy and the weight/fat/water weight etc gained. What do you do exactly?

A. Usually when I binge it its because I am not in my normal situation, for instance, it is mostly when i go home for a week or so because i am out of my normal routine (im in college) and and the food is go good and to be get to where i am as soon as i get back to school or my normal daily routine i go back to healthy foods, portions... amp up on the cardio to burn off the excess and in a day or so i feel better and start getting back to where i was...

How many calories should I eat a day if...?
Q. I am 5'7" and I weigh 120lbs. I have a BMI of 18.8 I want to maintain my current weight. I workout a few times a week and burn about 600 extra cals per WEEK exercising. I am trying to recover from anorexia nervosa and binge eating disorder and I am curious to know how much I should be eating.

So how many calories should I have a day to maintain my current weight and size?

A. For a person that is slightly active and that weight you would need about 1500 calories to maintain your weight

How do I stop binge eating every week?
Q. So this is what I usually do...I always eat under 800 calories on monday-saturday...then on sunday, I usually binge and eat over 1500 calories...I did it to day also, how should I recover from today's binge? Tomorrow, should I just eat under 800 calories again?

A. 800 is way too low. Your body starts to feel deprived which causes you to overeat. 1500 is what you should be consuming on a daily basis. Try eating at least 1200-1500 on a daily basis and that might solve your problem.

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