Does Hypnosis work in regards to losing weight/controlling eating?

Q. I am talking in regards to losing weight and controlling eating. Binge eating etc. I know you can get hypnotised and by hypnosis recordings off the internet. Has anyone every tried these methods?? Do they work?? Cheers!

A. A close friend did hypnosis to lose 40 lbs, she lost all and more. She now has another child and still kept the weight off.

How to break bad eating habits?
Q. I am currently trying to get into better shape. I eat like crap! What is an easy way to break this habit without causing too much stress on my body. Also any tips on controlling binge eating? If anyone can help me that would be appreciated!

A. Just eat right at the right time, when you feel hungry and you know it's not the right time to eat just make yourself busy in other things or you go to sleep.
You need to exercise too.

Binge eating disorder and zoloft can you lose weight on zoloft?
Q. I have binge eating disorder its gotten completely out of hand and I have gained a lot of weight. My doctor perscribed me zoloft but I've been reading all over the place that people GAIN on zoloft I'm wondering if this is because they are eating more as they are less depressed or its something in the chemical makeup of the drug. I've also read a few places that it does help control binge eating so people can lose weight? What are your experiences?

A. I have been on Lustral (the UK name for Zoloft) and I have lost 18lb in 2 months. This is almost certainly because I comfort eat when I'm depressed. Since being on the tablets (which seem to reduce my appetite anyway) I have only felt like eating when I'm genuinely hungry, and am satisfied on smaller amounts. Bear in mind that some people lose their appetites when they are depressed, therefore, it stands to reason that antidepressants could increase their appetites.

You will probably find (as I did) that you feel a bit rough at first - I felt like I had a hangover, even though I hadn't been drinking. However, the side effects only lasted about a week, and I now feel fantastic. I have so much more energy, and I have dropped two dress sizes.

I'm not saying that Zoloft is for everyone, but compared to other antidepressants, this is the first one that has made me lose weight as opposed to putting it on. I have tried every diet going, and I've never found weight loss as easy as I'm finding it now.

Good luck!

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