Is it possible to be a binge eater with and anorexia sub-type?

Q. Hi, so im 15 and i am 5'2 105 lbs. I have an ED and see a therapist, but she doesn't tell me what type of ED i have.

I always binge eat (i cant stop!) and the ONLY way i can stop myself is to NOT eat and only drink liquids.. because food makes me crave other foods :(
So, i go DAYs without eating, then i binge binge binge!!!

FML. Is this even an ED or am i just physco?

A. I was anorexic for about two years and I told my first boyfriend about it. However, things didn't work out and I broke up with him. He was making me eat & it bothered me.

About a month later after we broke up. The negative feelings I experienced in that relationship mirrored my past, and the child sexual abuse I had experienced. I lost control of my eating.

I went to a therapist.

For four months, I binged on food. I spent over $1000 of my own money on food. I gained 60lbs.

I dropped in and out of treatment several times until I FINALLY committed myself to getting better for MYSELF and no one else.

I was out of control; my second boyfriend supported my recovery from binge-eating disorder. We have been together ever since. :]

If you'd like you can visit my blog. It's about my entire life. Starting out from who raised me, the abuse, family history, and changing these behaviors. I talk about binge-eating disorder, anorexia, PTSD. etc.

I just like sharing my life with people maybe it will help someone out there dealing with an eating disorder...

I've been through a lot this year (2011). I am proud to say I have recovered, but not perfectly. I am human<3.

Please visit my blogs: (My Life) Binge-eating Disorder & Anorexia (My Recovery)

or you can watch my video on youtube:

Q. its the msot horrible thing ever. i have EDNOS, know i have it.

i need someone to help me- an online phychiatrist or someone whod help me for free? through email?

is anyone willing to do that? i have no courage to do this face to face with someone. and this is NOT a "simple" little eating disorder, ive been REALLY sucked into this eating disorder. in the past ive struggled with anorexia, bulimia, compulsive excercise disorder, and a binge eating disorder, for the reccord. if anyone out there is willing to help me... it would mean the world to me (LITERLY the world!! literly my entire life would be saved) and i would love you forever.

anyone out there willing to help?? im ony my hand and knees begging :(
you people are so sweet. i love yahoo. but im just letting you know my eating disoeder is realy horrible, and no mental ward (which ive been to numerously) has been able to help. even my personal trainer cant help. my parents are giving up and running out of money.

anyone ever struggle with an ED?
compulsive excercise disorder is when you plan your life around your excercise- you never miss a session, if you do its by a parents force or if you ar every ill. sometimes its so bad if i dont have time suring the day or im not allowed, i set my alarm coclk for 3 AM, excercise, and then go back to bed. also you dont care what yu do- you have to burn a certain amount of calories. its really horrible.

oh and if you miss it, you get the worst FEELING IN THE UNIVERSE. its HORRIBLE.

A. You can talk to me whenever , i'm recovering from Ednos and Anorexia. Been recovering for 4 or 5 months now with a professional.
Also try going to your school counsler (if you're in school)
Canada get's mental help for free with insurance!
The beggining is the shittiest moment of your life, you think the eating disorders bad? Wait till recovery, but its so fucking worth it.
I wouldn't consider myself completely recovered but i don't think anyone is, i think some part of it sticks with you in your time of stress and need.
But it doesn't mean you can't fight it!
I hope you get help. stay strong
Just talk to me whenever dear.

But i'll just help you from what i've experienced and know from professionals..
When you think you look fat, it's not that you do. Because you know sometimes, even if its a minute you sometimes think you look good or okay. It's just a way to cope with other things that are bugging you in your life. Figure those out and solve them
Fat. We need fat to live, it protects all our organs and bones and even our eyes. If someone punched you in the eye, it wouldn't break because they're's fat there to cushion it. Weird eh?
Without fat, you'll freeze to death, literally.
You are not an eating disorder, you are a person. You are more than it, you can conquar it and then later in life you can be proud to say you accomplished it, right? You BEAT it!
Eating 6 times a day - 3 meals 3 snacks. Can actually make you lose weight and keep a good steady weight !
It's hard to start eating regurally, you feel so full you wanna barf but you get so used to it, i'm hungry all the time now!
Eat a moderation of protein, veggies, fruits and grains.

My meal plan, and yours too !
Breakfast: 2 grains ; Toast, any kind of bread, cereal. 1 Protein; Yogurt, eggs, peanutbutter. And one fruit.
Snack; Try to make your snacks things you're afraid of. Take it slow.
Lunch; 2 grains, protein, 1 veggie, desert or fruit
Snack; Anything, snacks can be anything you want
Dinner; Same thing as lunch ^
Snack: Anything

It seems like a lot of food, but really it's not! Make sure your portions are big enough!
I hope this helps dear.
<3 It's a start.
Make a tumblr, and follow a bunch of positive health and recovery blogs - Really helps

I'm not sure if I have an eating disorder.?
Q. Now I know what anorexia is, and bulimia. However, I seem to be falling in the middle of anorexia and binge eater. I dont know if I could be said to have an eating disorder though. Pretty much what happens is I starve myself for a few days eating no more than 300 calories at all. Then I tend to give in to my hunger and binge until I gain all the weight I lost back.

This has been going on for four years, but recently it seems to have taken a turn for the worse. However, I don't believe it would count in terms of having an eating disorder. I don't ever lose the weight for long, which is why no one notices. I tend to jump between 90 and 100 pounds because of my starving and binge eating.

Does anyone know if this would be considered as something needing help or am I just being like a normal person.

i know how you feel I am almost the same, eventually your body wil shut down as in dying and hun i dont want you to harm yourself!! your kind of eating disorder is called EDNOS (i have it too) your right it is right inbetween having blunemia and anarexia. (look at links above) i know it really sucks!! go see a nutritionist or go see a therapist or even one of those recovery places!! <3 I hope i helped and get better!!
<<<3~ saty strong! :D im rooting for you!

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