How many calories a day should I eat to lose weight and how much calories should I burn?

Q. I weigh 149lbs and i'm 28 years old. I work out at the gym 3-4 days a week for an hour and a half. Right now i'm eating 450 calories a day and burning 550 calories at the gym. I really need to know how much calories I should be eating to lose weight with the amount of exercise i'm doing and how many calories should I burn.

A. It seems that you want to loose weight quickly and this could result in you gaining all that weight back when you eat normal again. However, I don't think you would have written all of this if it wasn't making you sad about your size. :( So; ill help- and ill give you a bare minimum of what you should consume: I think you should eat 1,000-1,100 calories and burn 250-300 calories a day Or 800-1,000 calories and no workout. You can even switch it up a bit- called zig zag; ex. 800 cals one day 1,000 the next, 1,100 the next and so on. Only eat like this for at least/most 3-4 months btw please! Also, Never let yourself go too low because it'll (body) start starving itself and you have a higher chance of binging (called binge eating) the next day, days, or even months after. Or you may gain weigh very fast and in a faster time than normal. Adults need at max minimum 700 cals to survive and for the vitamin consumption to occur in our bodies so never under this! Eating this low also is not seen as durable because you'll either again over eat and not want to eat healthy anymore or eat normally and still be frustrated because you won't be loosing weight; I can only tell you what I have been viciously reading and observing through the web. For me personally too, it is not psycho workouts, it's not shunning "junk" foods, it's not say ew omg too much fat; it's not saying no to sugar; it's eating healthy meals, 5-7 times a day. Its monitoring sodium intake too. For every calorie is 1 mg of sodium. A food with 90 cals though with 210 mg of sodium to me however will pass only because the fiber would make up for it (more than 5 grams). In general buy foods with more than 3 grams of dietary fiber though. So you see its about balance too- so you'll have more variety. Your meals should be small, relatively 170-175 per meal a day would work for you since you are loosing weight. I think you should buy a journal and write down what you eat. This seems to be more effective for people loosing weight. Pump up your protein too and eat about 25-35 grams of total fat. Read labels! Look at the total fat on products and make sure the fiber is 3 grams or more. Oatmeal, tofu, and bran cereals seem to hold very high fiber, moderate and healthy fat, and good protein. Eat red meat like once a week too. All thin people that stay thin for years and years have a game plan. We eat below or at our daily caloric needs. Whatever you do, just make sure that you are getting all your protein in which is the building blocks to brain functioning, mood, and general health. Always make sure that what you do is healthy and not going to make you faint or become out of control moody. When you feel like giving up, just say "no; I love myself-I'm going to do this because I can; and I will"! Be your own supporter and advocate! Continue eating very low; even if you aren't seeing dramatic results in beginning it is going to happen. Also, sometimes you could be eating so well and the scale tells you you are heavier when in reality you have lost inches and weight BUt since you have been eating so low, the body is "holding onto" this little bit of calories. This explains why people look slimmer and or fit/buy small clothing yet the scale portrays "weight gain". Trust me; the body is a little "slow" when it comes to big diet changes so most likely your body is trying to figure out what is going on and is this new diet permanent. Thus it is holding onto some fat perhaps too but the longer you keep going with your low calorie diet (even if it's 1,200) then the body will realize "boom! This is how it is and it will begin to even out and realize on the physical scale what you have been working so hard for. Studies even show that a person in a coma would loose weight if being fed (through food tube of course) 1,200 calories a day; so if you really count your calories accurately, you have to loose weight. Your body will definitely soon start to think after a couple of weeks, Hey, this person isn't giving me enough food; I gotta start eating away from the extra fat here!" you know? Just keep going...your going to Loose weight. Email me anytime on this journey.

How to stop mindless binge eating?
Q. Everytime I come home I'm in a habit of just eating no matter if I'm hungry or not. Give me tips, i don't care if they sound stupid, just throw things at me that you think will be of any help.

A. Mindless eating is the kind of unconscious eating that occurs when you don't plan your meals and simply snack on whatever happens to be available. It also occurs when you eat while focusing on another task without controlling your portion size as with the potato chip example. Mindless eating can add a considerable caloric load and, in some cases, you may not even be aware that you've overeaten. When you hear an overweight person say they hardly eat anything, there's a good chance they're a victim of mindless eating habits.

Here are some ways to get mindless eating under control once and for all.

Stop engaging in other activities while you're eating.
This is one of the quickest ways to take in excess calories. If you perform another task such as watching television, you take your focus away from the smell and taste of the food and you feel less satisfied causing you to eat more. Plus, when you're distracted, you may not be aware of how much you're eating. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition demonstrated the phenomenon of mindless eating in children. It showed that children who ate while watching television consumed more food than children who didn't. When it's time for a meal, focus on the sight, smells, and tastes of the food and eat slowly to break the cycle of mindless eating.

Schedule your meals and snacks.
If you leave your meals and snacks open ended, you may find yourself spending more time in the refrigerator than getting your work done. Mindless eating is a particular danger if you work at home or have ready access to food at work. Schedule three healthy meals and two snacks each day. Don't allow yourself to eat except at those times. No midnight snacks!

Practice portion control.
To avoid mindless eating, never eat from an open bag, jar, or box. Instead, transfer a serving size to a plate or bowl and eat only what's placed in the bowl. Even better, make your own hundred calorie snack packs for snacking. This can be done easily if you have a kitchen scale. Learn to estimate how large a serving of a food item is and don't allow yourself to have more than one serving of each item on your plate. No seconds or all-you-can-eat buffets except as a treat. Buffets can be a disaster if you're trying to break the habit of mindless eating.

Slow down and use chopsticks.
Most Americans are guilty of eating their meals in minutes. No wonder so many people suffer from indigestion and obesity! Force yourself to sit down at a table and eat slowly, really tasting each mouthful. If you still find you're eating too fast, use chopsticks. Most people can't eat fast or practice mindless eating when they're using chopsticks.

At what certain times during the day is best to eat to speed up metabolism?
Q. I am trying to lose weight, and I would like to know what times during the day is best to speed up my metabolism. I know I will also need to eat healthy and exercise. I just need to know what times to eat please.

A. Hey, do you want to lose weight easily by doing nothing or get motivated to lose weight easily without even giving up half-way?

The key and answer to successfully do it is in Your Subconscious Mind.

The subconscious actually stores a multitude of memory patterns which will feed information to the conscious mind when activated. Data is never erased unless the subconscious mind gives that command.
For example, when you walk or drive to your destination, you do it automatically without being aware of it - that is your subconscious mind doing the whole process without your conscious mind.
The subconscious brain is very good at its job and works 24 hours a day on keeping us alive.

The subconscious controls and regulates involuntary functions of the body such as breathing, circulation, Metabolism, Digestion, hormone balance, etc.

So you may wonder.. how do you tweak or make your subconscious mind to lose weight easily? The answer is... Hypnosis!

Hypnosis is done by bypassing your conscious mind to your subconscious mind giving instructions and storing them successfully.
That is why people can quit smoking, feel extremely motivated, attain success easily, study easily and so on Successfully just after 1 session of hypnosis! Even faith-healing uses Hypnosis!

My friend tried hypnosis to lose weight. Initially, her weight was 198lbs and she lost 18.3lbs within 3-weeks! All by natural metabolism! And she never even change her diet but ate as normal!

The best thing about losing weight via metabolism is... it burns fat everywhere in your body equally! This makes your body look perfect in shape!

You will thank me because I can guarantee you Hypnosis Works! You can just let your natural metabolism be high and Lose Fat Doing NOTHING effectively and immediately or be motivated to stop binge eating and exercise regularly without pain or laziness!

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