Are there any harmful effects from chewing food but not swallowing it?

Q. I need to lose weight and have a problem with binge type eating late at night. I know there are tons of health problems with becoming bulemic and I do not want to go that route. Recently I've started chewing my "binge food" but spitting it out and not swallowing it. I do eat normal healthy meals, but if I'm craving McDonalds or pizza or cookies I do this. Are there any negative health implications to this behavior? If so, what are they? I know it sounds gross, but I feel better after doing it. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks.

A. What you are doing is obviously not normal eating behavior, but it certainly is less abusive than swallowing and then purging. The food craving may be a sign of food intolerance (food allergy if you prefer). Try a strict food elimination diet for 10 days, then add back 1 food for a day, wheat for example. See how you feel for the next day or so. If OK, re-incorporate that food back into your diet. Then move on to the next food to test, etc. You can find an elimination diet in books or on-line. If not, I can email you one developed by Dr. Gaby and Dr. Wright, both Md's with many years of experience in these matters. There is some evidence that your eating abnormality may also be related to nutritional deficiencies. Similarly, zinc has been shown to be greatly deficient in anorectics. When it is added back, it helps relieve the eating disorder. I do not know off hand specifically about nutritional deficienies in bulimia but if you like, email me and I will try and find out for you. You say you "need to lose weight". Check your height and weight and compare to a chart of the normal population to see how you measure up to the averages. You may in fact have a body image disorder and not need to lose weight at all, rather you may need to address the issue of your perception of your body image. Hope this wasn't too direct. I apologize if so.

Briant Burke, MD

Will i gain weight from one time late night snack?
Q. I was craving a snack a few minutes ago and had some Edy's frozen yogurt.
I ate healthy throughout the day today and not that much.
Will i gain weight from my frozen yogurt binge? I usually don't eat late at night.

A. Well yes and no. Most likely no. If I eat like a buffet, the next day, I will see an increase in the scale due to water retention. You might too, but it's not fat and the scale will go back down once you get back to your diet. As long as you get back on the diet and don't eat like the whole tub everyday, you are fine. Don't worry about it, we all have cravings and setbacks, it's what makes us human ;D

How bad are late night snacks if they're healthy?
Q. I like to eat late at night but I feel gross if it's unhealthy.

So usually I'll have strawberries or small bowl of salad (1 calorie spray dressing) or half peanutbutter sandwhich etc

Is that really going to kill me?
I also never really eat during the day...
through school and work I'm running around from the moment I wake up till I finally get home around 1 am... by then I've only had 1 or 2 quick small meals all day.

A. no it's not going to kill you (although i would avoid the peanutbutter sandwhich). A healthy snack at night is a much better option than binge eating on chips and junk. The reason people say it isn't a good idea to eat right before bed is because your body doesn't have time to burn it off, but others believe when you eat has nothing to do with it. I say if you really feel like you deserve those strawberries for all your hard work during the day, go for it! :)

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