How can i stop binge eating?!?

Q. I'm only 15. I'm 5'0, 115 lbs. I'm technically not really fat, but I am really muscular for a girl even though i don't work out. I've gotten into a bad habit of binge eating, so I keep gaining a few pounds and then losing them again. Every time my size 2 jeans are a little tight it makes me feel fat and irritable. It doesn't seem to be an emotional problem, because I'm not depressed and have pretty high self esteem. I really don't know why I do it, but I can't seem to stop. What should I do?

A. thinspo, ana/mia websites, quotes, do something else, paint nails, go for a walk, brush your teeth (bad taste)... just keep yourself busy and motivated not to binge.

Should I stop seeing my psychiatrist?
Q. Hi,
I'm 18
I have been seeing a psychiatrist for about 3 years
I have anxiety and depression , possibly an eating disorder
I think I should stop seeing him because I'm not getting better
I keep developing more mental health problems
These are my views :

I think I am a person that can't be helped
I don't need anyone to tell me the consequence of my actions
I think Ignoring my problems will make me feel normal
This could just be who I am

I'm 5'3 90.6 pounds

My views about food
I eat 500 calories a day or less
I do this because it gives me control
I feel GREAT now because I don't binge and purge anymore
I found this quote that expresses exactly how I feel about eating
QUOTE: If I eat anything, I'll eat everything, so I eat nothing ( or at least I try )

I also think I am waisting his time
He could be helping someone who has a possibility of getting better
Should I stop seeing my psychiatrist?

A. It sounds like you're making excuses to avoid the fact that you probably do need help. That's not an accusation but it's something that I've done plenty and it's really a pretty common thing to do. But really, try to not think like that, or even if you do, push it out of your mind- it's counterproductive and will get in the way of you feeling better.

Don't ever think you're "useless" or "beyond help". I've been there. It's not healthy, trust me, you may not think it now but you have the right to be comfortable in your own skin. Don't be your own enemy, there's enough to deal with without not being okay with yourself.

Maybe you need to find someone else. A psychiatrist is just there to prescribe meds. I went through a few psychiatrists and a few therapists before I found someone who actually seems like they care and who feels right. I'm currently seeing a therapist who is helping me more than I thought anyone would be able to, and I'm so glad I stuck with looking even though I didn't feel like I care. This stuff takes time and just because one person doesn't work doesn't mean no one will. Don't be afraid to explore options.

You're asking, which probably means you're concerned... I'd say, find someone you work well with and keep trying. It won't happen overnight, but in the long run, things WILL get better if you want them to. Working through your problems is infinitely better than trying to pretend they don't exist.

Good luck! It can be hard sometimes, but even if you don't feel like anything matters, do whatever you can to not abandon your own mind.

Feel so depressed and hit my down point in life:( help?
Q. Okay well this summer i changed so much, i lost like 30 pounds and became such a happier more religious and confidence person. I felt like nothing could ruin me, but when school was fixing to start and my sister was moving idk what happened but everything started to change, i started to overeat and ended up gaining all my weight back in nine weeks. I spent all my savings account on binge night where i would just eat and eat. I slowley started to hate myslf and become depressed and stressed. I skip school so much my grades are so slow and last night i was driving home from work and picked up a whole bunch of food and was binge eating when driving then i pulled a corner and hit a car... My car was fine but her car flipped and all you heard was screaming and i thought i killed her. I just got my car like 4 weeks ago and now they are sueing us and i woke up this morning breaking down feeling horrible and stressed and just hating everything and hating myself. Then my mom came home and ask how my day went after last night and i totaly lied to her face about how i went to school and everything but then like a hour later she got a email and came up to me in tears asking how i could lie to her like that and i could just tell how much i hurt her and disappointed her. Then i just ate and ate and ate and ate. I litterally just feel like ive dugged myself in a hole and its impossible for me to change. i'm so full and feel gross and eel like i let almost everyone down. I almost killed a girl by binge eating but it still didnt stop me. Please someone help me and dont take it as a joke, ive never felt this horible in my whole enitre life. I just want to sleep and never wake up.

A. I didn't read the whole thing, but it sounds like your not happy with your life, here's one of my favorite insperational quotes.

Iâm going to tell you a little story.

Itâs about a man who wanted to know the secret of success, and decided to find out from a Guru.

Now this was a wise, old sage who knew every secret of Life. He lived in splendid isolation on a mountain-top. Our hero set out on his difficult journey to meet this wise man.

He was determined to reach the top, and so he got over many obstacles on his way. Fighting through thick forests, scaling huge boulders, escaping from wild beasts, at last he clambered to the peak and lay on the ground, gasping for breath.

A few minutes later, he sat up⦠and beheld the Guru seated in deep meditation.

Silently, he waited. Almost an hour later, the Guru opened his eyes and glanced at the man. He raised an inquiring eyebrow.

The man stammered, âOh wise and all-knowing seer, I come to you in search of the secret of success.â

The Guru didnât reply. He simply stood up and started walking down the hill.

The man followed. He found it difficult to keep pace with the old man, who seemed to skip from one rock to the other like a mountain-goat. They walked steadily for another hour, and he wondered if they were going back to the foothills.

Suddenly, they came upon a clearing. In the middle was a clear lake. The waters were still, glinting softly in the rays of a setting sun.

The Guru walked up to the edge of the lake and beckoned the man closer. With a gesture, he asked him to kneel down.

Unquestioningly, the man did as the Guru ordered.

Suddenly, he felt himself seized by a strong hand at the back of his neck. His head was forced down under the water, and held there firmly.

âThis is some kind of test,â said the man to himself, as he sat still.

A minute passed, and he was growing breathless. The grip on his neck hadnât weakened. Another minute crawled by, and now he was getting anxious. His heart beat heavily in his chest, his throat tightened, and his lungs screamed for air.

He struggled to arise, and the old manâs grip became even stronger, pressed him further down into the water.

Now, the man was in a panic. He thrashed around wildly, trying with all his energy to loosen the vise around his neck. Precious seconds passed, and he felt his strength slowly ebbing away.

He thought he was going to die!

Just as he was about to give up hope, rueing his folly in ever coming here, the hand on his collar let go.

Violently leaping onto the shore, the man drew in his breath in heaving gasps. Delicious oxygen flooded his lungs. His vision grew clearer, the hammering in his throat slowed down, his hands stopped trembling.

And he felt a deep anger welling up from within himself.

Standing up, he faced the Guru and screamed: âAre you CRAZY? You could have killed me!â

The Guru simply stared at him for a long moment.

Then he spoke for the first time.

âYou wanted to know the secret of success. Here it is. Do you remember, just a few minutes ago, how badly you wanted to take that next breath of air? When you want success that badly, you will have it. Thatâs the secret of success

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