How can I overcome binge eating alone without any professional help?

Q. Can I overcome binge eating without any professional help or telling anyone about it. How can I avoid a Binge and Stick to a very strict diet?

A. Try glutamine. It's a natural food supplement and it's very useful because it greatly reduces food cravings, including those caused by depression, stress, anxiety, etc. It has a remarkable effect on bad mood and that's one of the reasons why it's so effective on eating disorders. Glutamine allows you to control yourself without any effort. It's an aminoacid, i.e. a basic nutrient like vitamins, and it has no side effects because it's the most abundant aminoacid in our body, especially in muscles and in the brain.
I took about 12 15 grams of glutamine per day split in three doses and I lost about 95lbs in ten months without doing any exercise, I just began eating much less than before. Binge eating had plagued my life for more than twenty-five years but it disappeared within a couple of days and has never come back .
Glutamine must be taken on an empty stomach. Start with the first dose early in the morning as soon as you get up . Since it's a natural and safe substance you can increase the dosage as needed, up to 25-30 grams per day. Glutamine can easily be purchased wherever sports supplements are sold, and powder is much cheaper and more practical than caps/tablets. In sports it's used to protect muscles after heavy training and you won't find any reference to eating disorders on labels, however rest assured that it's absolutely amazing.

What is your life like after living through a life of binge eating?
Q. Have you successfully stopped binge eating?
What is your story?
How has your life changed now?

Im looking to see the view points of people who have succeeded and moved past a life of binge eating. Why you did it and how you cope with it now.

Thank you for all answers.

A. I was a binge eater for years. I tried to be "skinny" for my boyfriends and seemed to always get the guys that wanted the skinny girl. I realized that I have curves and there ARE men that like them - finally!!!! I did some soul searching, and started to read about health and fitness...and started to eat the RIGHT fat burning foods. I stopped obsessing about my thighs and started to simply LIVE a healthy life. I do all kinds of cardio exercises and added weight training (a bit) to help me burn fat all around the clock - even when I sleep! That's what weight training does. Being a female and doing weights does NOT mean you will get bulky. We simply get toned and lean and strong. I eat junk food - for fun - only once in a while...but the MAJORITY of the time...I eat the best and healthiest fat burning foods to help me along with staying in shape and yes...I still have curves, but they're strong now! Binge eating is usually caused by unhappiness...and finding out and dealing with what you're unhappy about is what you need to do FIRST. Make some changes...get happy and you probably won't binge eat. Don't let other people control your happiness. I married a man that prefers a very thin model-like figure...but after getting strong, fit and healthy and showing that I love myself...with more confidence...he sees a healthy attractive woman! I eat for me now...and that means whatever amount I feel is best for me as well. It took YEARS to get over this binge type of eating...but I found that with regular exercise and eating well...and ACCEPTING my physical shape...I am happier and don't want to binge eat any more. It starts from within. My life has changed dramatically and for the better. But I had to do the work myself. No one else could do it for me. If it were that easy, no one would be binge eating. Finding out WHY you're unhappy is the first step...and take it from there. Never give up on yourself. You CAN do it! I did...and I was the woman eating in the closet...believe me! I ended up doing three figure competitions. It IS possible! Just DO IT!..I have had 5 children by c-sections, and now I walk with my teenagers and people think I'm one of them (from far of course)! If I can stop binge eating...anyone can!

What is the best way to divert from binge eating?
Q. More often than I'd like to admit, I start to binge eat. I'm not overweight, but I'm close to it and always have been. I just don't like the way the binge eating makes me feel, but I can't help but do it anyway. I mean, when I binge eat, I eat more than I've seen grown men eat. It's like my stomach is a bottomless pit. What would be the best way to prevent this?

A. I would suggest that make your portions smaller and when you are done eating do something to avert the temptation to eat more. Going for a walk would be good because you would be taking yourself away from anything in your kitchen that you would want to eat. :o)

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