Why don't people see Binge Eating is a Serious disorder like Anorexia and Bulimia?

Q. it is a serious disorder and adiction and bad self-esteem and that is just how some people deal with their problems instead of drinking or doing drugs or being anorexic.

Binge eating is a disorder too, but most ignorant people just think that the person is lazy and stupid and that makes me really mad.

A. maybe because they think these people eat. but their eating habits aren't healthy. i'm not really sure why people don't take it just as serious.

How can I tell my mom about my binge eating disorder?
Q. I really want help with this and I've been looking stuff up online about it, but I'd like help from a professional so I don't start yo-yo dieting or making my binge eating worse. How can I tell my mom without her just thinking I want attention?

A. I understand what this is like. I have gone from anorexic, to bulimic, to binge eating. Its awful! Its really comendable that you are willing to ask for help. It took me atleast 5 years to get to that point!! The faster you go to a proffessional, the faster you can move on with your life. I dont know how someone could get over it on their own. Just tell your mom you feel like your eating is really out of control, and talking to her is something that was really hard to build up the courage to do. Tell her that you want to get help before it gets worse, because truthfully, the longer you leave an eating disorder, the harder it gets to see any life outside of your disorder. Explain to her how you feel, and what brought you to the point of wanting to seek help. binge eating is just as serious and unhealthy as any eating disorder.
Im sure she will understand and want to help you!! If she doesent, go see a doctor and they will send you to the right person

Good luck!!

Would you call this anorexia or binge eating?
Q. Okay, so my mum's freaking out thinking I'm going anorexic just because I've lessened my portions recently, lol. I admit it's because I want to go thin and I don't have the patience or time to exercise thanks to my assignments and the extra stress. I actually find skipping meals or eating something small appealing but I actually just binge-eat. Do you think there is potential of anorexia?

A. Anorexia: When you starve yourself completely.
Binge Eating: When you don't eat anything and then suddenly you eat EVERHTHING. Lol

Well, food disorders are not a joke.
And actually cutting your meals under than 1,300 will make it harder for you to lose weight because your body goes on danger mode.

Just watch what you eat.
Chose healthier options.

It's okay to want to lose weight, but do it the right way.
Stay healthy!

Good luck. :)

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