How can I stop binge eating?

Q. I am slim. However since starting full time work I find that when I get home I feel stressed and tired, which leads to binge eating. I exercise 4-5 times a week, which means I haven't put on too much weight. However I never use to binge eat and therefore would not really like to continue in this way. Any tips for avoiding the binge eating?

A. Having an eating disorder is not a sign of weakness or a character flaw. And it is not something you can overcome with just willpower. Many people struggle with eating disorders for a long time. Some people try to keep it a secret or deny that they have a problem. In most cases, you will need treatment to get better. If you have binge eating disorder, treatment can prevent health problems, help you feel better about yourself, and improve the quality of your life.
What causes binge eating disorder?

Experts are not sure what causes binge eating disorder, but it seems to run in families. Experts think that cultural attitudes about body shape and weight also play a role. 1 Anxiety, depression, or stress can cause some people to binge. 2
What are the symptoms?

From time to time, most of us feel like we have eaten more than we should. But eating too much every now and then does not mean that you have binge eating disorder. If you have binge eating disorder, you may:

* Eat way too much in a short period of time (less than 2 hours) on a regular basis.
* Eat when you are not hungry, to ease stress or to comfort yourself.
* Eat for emotional reasons, such as being sad, angry, lonely, or bored.
* Feel like you can't stop eating.
* Eat faster than normal when you binge.
* Eat so much that you feel painfully full.
* Feel unhappy, upset, guilty, or depressed after you binge.
* Eat alone because you are embarrassed about how much you eat.

Even if you don't have all the symptoms of binge eating disorder, having even a few symptoms can be a sign of a problem that needs treatment. It is important to get help right away if you or someone you know has any of these symptoms. How is it treated?

Treatment for binge eating disorder includes getting counseling and, in some cases, taking medicine such as antidepressants. Your doctor may have you do both. You may need treatment for a long time to fully recover. You also may need treatment for other problems that often occur with binge eating disorder. These can include depression, obesity, or problems with being overweight

What should I do my project on?
Q. I have to do a health project, in French, about a disorder.
(like bulimia, binge eating, gingivitis, obesity)
I want one that's original, that my class would actually want to pay attention to.
A lot of people are doing anorexia, so that's not very interesting to do.
Nobody would want to pay attention to a gingivitis speech :P
What's a really original one that a (grade 8) class would be interested in?

A. EDNOS - Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified
Binge Eating Disorder
Bipolar Disorder
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
PTSD - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Should the government be able to ban unhealthy products?
Q. Should the government be able to ban unhealthy products to help people lose weight?

I say no. Obesity is often caused by Binge Eating Disorder. Like the other eating disorders, Bulimia and Anorexia, people with Binge Eating Disorder also usually need therapy to get healthy again. Overweight people aren't going to magically lose weight by having the government simply removing some food options from their diets. The government won't be able to ban every single unhealthy item out there, and obese people will just turn to other unhealthy food choices.

What do you think? Yay or Nay? Why?

A. If you mean "unhealthy food", NO! We the people need to keep the government out of our private lives. If I do not like the way I look by being too heavy, that's MY problem, not theirs. However, school lunches and such should offer healthy food because the young children cannot make healthy food choices. But, the Federal government should stay out of it and let the local BOA's decide on the menu.

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