Should I ask my therapist for a higher dosage?

Q. I'm currently on 5 MG of Lexapro, I'm only 14 so that's why my therapist didn't put me on something higher. I'm still depressed sometimes and I still binge eat to cope with it.

A. Wrong forum

How do I control my eating on my period?
Q. This morning I ate oatmeal with 14 grams of protein and 12 grams of fiber and it went NO WHERE. I am so hungry 2 hours after that I'm popping me a small bag of popcorn. How can I control my insatiable hunger? (Plus, I work at Burger King today!)

A. Check guides...

Good luck!

Why do I keep overeating even though Im gaining weight?
Q. Due to stress and lack on control, I have been on a constant eating binge lately and I can't seem to get it in check. I am gaining weight and am starting to look bad in my clothes, but I just don't stop. In face, I think I even eat more. What should I do? Am I addicted to food?

A. I recommend going onto
They have a lot of support in this area in the forums, and they have food guides to help you manage what you eat.

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