Is it okay to eat more during your period?

Q. I am on the 3rd day of my period and I have been having a major increase in my appetite! And I learned when I was young that you eat when you are hungry, but I feel like I shouldn't be eating this much and my body is fooling me. I am not binge eating, but there has been a definite increase in my food consumption. Is it okay for me to eat more during my period or do I need to try to eat less?


A. Yeah, of course it is. Everyone does it!

How can I minimize bloating during menstrual cycle?
Q. I am invited to a wedding party on May 18 and this morning I started my menstrual cycle. I normally experience heavy bleeding and bloating all the way through the 7th day!

My dress is super tight and I really like to take some pills or know about food restrictions that intensify bloating during period.

Do you know what are do's and dont's? does exercise help?????

A. well tbh there isnt alot you can do to minimise it,
just yeah excersize should help and dont binge eat like people can do when their on their period,
there may be something you can do .. talk to a doctor or a close family relative or something :) have fun at the party! (:

Some questions about eating on your period?
Q. 1. Will I gain weight if i eat alot on my period? i get hungrier and crave like crazy and usually i want all junk.
2. How do i stop these crazy cravings? if i eat something healthy it makes me want to eat junk food even worse. and if i try to distract myself food is all i can think about :(
3. Is it true you need to eat more during time of month?

A. The most common complaints are stomach cramps, weight gain during period, uneasiness, back and lower back pain, leg pain, etc. Weight gain during period is not a very serious issue, at the same time, it is not difficult to get rid of the weight gained.

1. Overeating and Food Cravings
Weight gain during menstrual cycle can also be due to overeating. Women tend to overeat during periods, due rise in the metabolism levels. Usually, women consume about 100 to 200 calories more than what they regularly consume. Most women notice, that they have food cravings before and during period. These cravings do not last for a long duration and go away on their own. Binge eating is due to food cravings.

2. Treating Weight Gain During Period
It is not very difficult to treat weight gain during period. A small change to the diet can help in alleviating water retention problem. You may want to reduce your sodium intake during this time, to fight this problem. Less sodium reduces chances of water retention. If bloating and water retention is pronounced, you may want to try a diuretic. It is not recommended, but if bloating is causing you a lot of discomfort, you may try a diuretic. Calcium plays an important role in preventing and curing water retention problem. Make sure your calcium intake is sufficient. Women, who follow vegan diet, should especially take care about their calcium intake as, studies have shown that they lack calcium often.

It is very often observed, that women avoid exercises prior to their menstrual cycle. At the same time, they are also very inactive during this period, which often times leads to weight gain.

3. Although, you might have food cravings, it is important, you make sure you are eating healthy and sumptuous meals. Avoid foods which are high in refined sugar. Your diet should be rich in complex carbohydrates, lean protein and fiber. Healthy small meals at regular intervals and in adequate quantities also help in managing food cravings during this time. Your meals should be the kinds which will get digested fast. Limit your caffeine intake and keep yourself well hydrated. You can have fruit and vegetable juices or coconut water to keep yourself well hydrated.

The average weight gain during period is any where between 1 to 4 pounds. However, in some woman, there will not be noticeable weight gain during period. The only important thing to remember about this weight gain during period is that you should not get disturbed. Understand that it is normal and will go away once you are done with your menstrual cycle

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