I have some questions about Anorexia?

Q. I want to know about anorexia because a close friend of mine died because of it. I also want to study psychology.

Here are my questions:

What are anorexics eating habits? Do they just eat nothing? How quick do they lose weight once they become anorexic? How do they cope on so few calories, wouldn't they not have the energy to cope? Can men get anorexia?

Any stories about anorexia are also welcome.

A. I've had both anorexia and bulimia for 3 years now (i'm in recovery). I basically don't eat anything for days, maybe a piece of fruit if i start to feel ill but never over 250kcal. After a while though my body would crave nutrients and then i would binge on tens of thousands of calories feel really guilty afterwards and then vomit them back up. Then i'd restrict again... and the cycle keeps going.

Many anorexics that i've spoken too eat nothing during the day but in the evening they would sit down with their family and eat a few bites of a main meal, this stopped their family noticing that they weren't eating so they didn't worry. I lost roughly 3 stone in a year. you learn to cope with it. Yes, lots of men have eating disorders. It is not a nice way to live though. Not at all.

How do I quite bingeing?
Q. If you are bulimia, ednos or have binge eating disorder. Feel free to follow my blog and recovery story for tips on how to avoid bingeing from me and what i've heard from my shrink :)


A. Stop beingingeveytime you wanna eat just think to your self is it worth the weight?

Question for those who have friends that having eating disorders or those who have eating disorders?
I was just wondering how do those with eating disorders act?
I have a friend that has an eating disorder (newly diagnosed in summer or november idk which one it is, she told me two different things at differnet times) but I always knew she had an eating disorder it is just worse now (she binge eats and purges after)
Long story short I found that our friendship has always been as if she was competing with me with looks and weight
and it seems like it is happening more now
I am a little bit chubby (5'2" 133 pounds size 30) but when she was heavier I was always smaller and I don't think she liked that. and when she started loosing the weight and we were getting to about the same size she would always ask me what my weight was and my pant size and always felt like she was trying to beat my weight ( I know I could be just paranoid and jealous but idk) and she is also way taller then me and her "ideal" weight should really be 140 to 160 cuase she is taller
but yesterday we hung out after a long time (we have started loosing touch over the past two years since she started excessively loosing weight- she has just changed as a person/gotten way more self centered)
But anywho I wanted to know how people with eating disorders normally act?
Cause I am not sure if she is just acting how ED people normally act or if she is being catty with me?
Cause every time I am done hanging out with her I feel like sh*t and I hate it . and I try not to think about it but yeah (I don't have an ED I just wanna stop being chubby and start being healthy but crap always get in the way- I know its an excuse)
So yesterday we went to the mall and went to clothing stores
I do notice its obvious that she has an ED cause she constantly makes comments about calorie counting and saying how if she is going to eat this she wont eat that and she dividing her calories up for the day. and always says what she ate that day (which is always not alot- kinda as if she is wanting me to say "wow that is not enough you should eat more"- I never comment on those things) and she always looks in the mirror adjusting her self and what not
so I understood that and that makes sense to me for her acting that way
but when ever we are in the clothing stores I feel like all her comments are directed to me reminding me now how small she is (now I am the bigger one- and for the record I never made her feel like crap when she was heavier. I always tried to encourage her to love her self for who she was and what not)
but for example we were looking at pants and she just said "oh I am a 26 now this is too big"
and then in another store I was looking at a cute skirt and asked her what shirt would look good so we were going through shirts and she had a medium in her hand and I was looking for another medium and she was like "oh here take this medium, Ill get a small"
-__- and it just feels like she is really trying to stick it in there that she is smaller then me now
and I grabbed some dresses and she asked to try on all my clothes that I tried on and ah
especially clothes that I really liked ( she has done this other times too- and of course they look better on her) but yeha idk. like I said I could be just thinking it right? and letting it get to me? cause I am insecure. BUt not enough that I will have an ED (sorry if that It sounds I am leaning down that path. I always condone eating right and doing it the right way and what not)
but is this normal for people with ED to act?
and she "acts" so confident and is trendy and wears itty bitty skirts even though she hates her thighs (which she has mention a sh*t load that day)
and after we went to go eat and she showed me a picture that she said she really liked of herself and she had no shirt on (had a bra) and of course she looks small. but like Idk what to say to that.
When she was trying to fish for compliments I made sure not to compliment (not out of jealousy) but because that just doesn't makes sense to me to compliment someone who has an ED cause it just seems that it would make it worse and condone the ED more and i personally don't think she needs to loose anymore

Just wondering how you guys found people with an ED acted?? and if my friend sounds about right? I just want to get it out of my head that she isn't trying to make me feel like like sh*t and yeah please and thank you!

A. She sounds half in half. EDs (2 yrs in recovery myself) tend to be insecure. We don't have much self esteem. The way she compares herself to you shows that she is kinda jealous of you. I mean I love when people compliment my body, so I'm sure she does. Sometimes I felt confident around my friends because I was way smaller than them. When she starts "bragging" she is most likely looking for a compliment. There is something that is in her sub conscience that she hasn't learned to deal with yet, so she controls her caloric intake. I know when I had to leave my sports team, my coach was like sweetie don't do this to yourself. Your friends partly looking for some sympathy (maybe). You're right with the compliments encouraging ED more! I see it from both angles, you thinking she's cocky kinda and she's bragging, we want something to be noticed. In an ED mind, skinnier is better. I also see it from hers, she wants to be confident, and comparing herself to you is a way of getting that. If you could, try to get help for her. It'll be hell though. Give her support. EDs aren't always like that. It depends on how long she's been like this. She isn't purposely trying to make you feel like shit, she just wants to be confident, I was kinda the same with my sports and muscles. I'd get my esteem from those compliments. Next time she brags or shit, tell her the truth. It might hurt her or something, but its gotta be said. I was told I was gonna die. Hurt like hell, but needed to hear it. You're a good friend for sticking with her. Good luck, hope this helps :)

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