i have a binge eating disorder and cant get professional help because my parents want me to get fatter?

Q. im at a healthy weight, but i cant stop binge eating, i can binge eat up to an excess pound a day. i don't wanna get fatter anymore and i hate myself and my body now. its like im a genderless blob. i cant even go get professional help because if i told my parents they would just be glad that i am and don't want me to stop. how can i stop?

A. Here is the secret for success for the rest of your life in the weight area dear..."eat as much as you DESIRE of healthy foods". Healthy foods include the primary food groups "dairy, protein, carbs, and fat. Now there are many ways to skin a cat and unhealthy foods are foods loaded with the wrong types of fats carbs and dairy.


The Worst are TRANS FATS, and the second worst is SATURATED fat. They are bad for you because your body has a hard time metabolizing them with your enzymes that break down fat and they can clog up your arteries and give you disease like stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes and so on down the road "even if you are skinny". Saturated fats tend to reside in foods that are solid nature like butter and cheese. Trans fats are man made and are the worst which reside in crappy packaged food like chips. YOU NEED FAT SO DON'T get rid of it your brain needs fat to operate if you don't get enough fat your brain will deteriorate making you basically stupid. 20% of your calories you eat in a day should come from fat.

-The best kinds of fat are polyunsaturated the BEST and monounsaturated the second best. Both of these fats are usually in a LIQUID form and come from plants. Avocado is a great example of good unsaturated fats which of course is a plant or plant fat. The next thing you can do is get "olive oil" which is awesome for you and dip your bread in it "they do this at Italian restaurants"-way better for you than butter-cow fat.


The worst kind of carbohydrates which are basically the same as sugars are ENRICHED FLOUR crap. Enriched flour again comes from man made bull. The best kinds of cars are simply wheat or cracked wheat. Instead of eating white bread get wheat. Over time you will get used to wheat bread and love it and it is great for you. P.S. High fructose is horrible for you, if you want sugar use cinnamon or honey when you can.


Protein is protein is protein but a lot of kinds of protein like beef have saturated fat in them i.e. solid fat which again is hard for your enzymes to break down. If you don't like meat you can get protein from SOY like soy meat and soy milk. If you want to eat animals and mind you I am no vegetarian go for FISH. FISH is what keeps Asian people so healthy is has protein and is great for you as well. Also black beans and beans have protein too which is a healthy source. Eggs are also a reasonably healthy source to eat now and then though they aren't as healthy as soy.

Again soy milk is way better for you than cows milk but if you like regular milk switch skim milk which avoids the saturated fats.


Of course fruits are awesome just make sure you spend the little bit of extra money and get "organic fruits and VEGGIES since they aren't made with harmful pesticides and genetically engineered crap which is actually being shown to cause CANCER.

Try to cook at home if you can or eat out at healthy places. Avoid pop which is basically liquid candy and avoid stuff that comes out of a box and is industrialized. BUY ORGANIC. stay away from junk food except on SPECIAL OCCASIONS i.e. don't be crazy, if it is someone's birthday have a piece of cake. It would be nuts to be like ohh! well sorry folks I know it's my friends birthday here but I can't eat that cake it has some saturated fat in it.


You are what you eat literally. Your body is made up of the foods you have eaten in like the last 3 months or so. If you eat nothing you will be nothing and neither will your personality or brain you will feel like crap. If you eat a bunch of trans fats guess what? You will be made up of a bunch of fat your body can't use well and clogs your arteries. Have a no fail environment which means especially in your home you DON'T HAVE UNHEALTHY STUFF AROUND LIKE CHIPS TO TEMPT YOU. You can't eat what's not there, and it's really hard to start binge eating on super buttery popcorn if there simply isn't any to eat you know?


The most important thing I will tell you on here is to EAT HEALTHY because you want to FEEL GOOD...NOT because you want to try and get real thin by eating less calories to lose weight. It has been shown time and time again that people in an environment of almost unlimited food GRAVITATE toward a "set point body weight" when they aren't dieting or thinking about how much they eat. Think about it, all the fat kids at school and all the skinny ones eat all the same crap. Some skinny people eat a lot some skinny people don't, some fat people eat a lot, some don't. The point is that your body adjusts metabolism and hunger based on if you are on your set point or not. When you dip bellow your set point the "hypothalamus of your brain says omg! what's wrong I am not at my set point, I will increase his appetite when he starts ea

Where can a person that is blind and suffers with addiction find inpatient treatment?
Q. My father is dying of his diabetes and has a serious food addiction. To make things even harder, he is blind and I believe adds an extra obstacle for him to learn to cope with this challenge that is killing him. Anyone who knows where I can find an in-patient treatment facility that would be capable of handling binge-eating disorders or food addictions of a blind man, I'd be very interested in hearing about. PLEASE this is a very sensitive topic, only serious responses and suggestions please. Thanks

A. ANY food disorder unit can treat him. blindness has no bearing on his ability to get treatment.

remember: you can lead a horse to water you can NOT make it drink. it does NOT sound like he wants help. sounds like a death wish...

sorry gotta tell it like i see it...

what is your diet like?
what exercise are you getting for 15-60 minutes per day?
what relaxation techniques are you practicing twice daily 20 minutes each session?

take care of YOU.

I am a therapist in Colorado.

How Do I Lose Around A Stone In 18 Days?
Q. I need to lose weight in 18 days, but i cant seem to find anything that will work. Ive tried many diets before but i lose the weight and gain it again. I would like something that wouldnt make me want to binge eat again. Im not a great fan of fruit and veg and find it hard to eat it, but i can stomach some things. Any suggestions?

A. A stone is 14 pounds. You need to try many different fruits to find a few that you like. That is all you need-- a few. You hate watermelon, blueberries, raspberries, pineapples, mangoes, papaya and grapefruit. Try only eating fruit a few days. Or see page on fasting on site below. Fasting can change your tastes so you love fruits and vegetables.

There is a lot of bad information out there. It has made America the fattest society ever. But it makes food companies and diet companies rich. Learn why black coffee, lean meat and non-fat yogurt are so fattening. The book, Intuitive Eating, says "If you tell yourself that you can't or shouldn't have a particular food, it can lead to intense feelings of deprivation that build into uncontrollable cravings and, often, bingeing." Nourish your body thin, instead of starving it fat. Learn the fastest way to lose weight.

Never cut carbs, fats and calories. Eat foods made by nature, not man-made foods designed to make you fat and addicted to food. Which has more calories: a plain potato or one with a healthy fat like olive oil? The latter. Which is more fattening? The former. How can this be? The fat slows down the calories going into the blood (see glycemic load and glycemic index) making it less fattening. It is not about how many calories but how fast they enter the blood. But plant foods have fiber. Fiber provides no calories, is filling and also slows the calories entering your blood.


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