I binged really bad today.If I exercise tonight for an hour, will i still gain?

Q. I am really trying to lose the last 10-15 pounds. I hate it when I binge. If I exercise tonight for an hour, will it make up for it?

A. No, exercising won't make up for it. You should never over-exert yourself just because you "binged." I put "binge" in quotes, because it sounds to me like you just had some food you weren't supposed to eat. That's not a binge.

You didn't ruin your diet. The only thing that ruins a diet is attitude... if you binge one or two times, it's not the end of the world. Just diet and exercise the way you were doing. You won't gain weight from a couple of snacks.

What is the best workout video for weight loss?
Q. I'm trying to lose weight. I'm self conscious so I want a workout dvd I can use at home. At the moment I'm using Katie Price's workout, and I love it, But I know I'm going to get bored. So whats another dvd that is good for losing weight... fast?

A. This is not a work out video but just want to share what I came across about weight loss. I think this answers my sister's question of why she tried a lot of techniques but did not work.

I read that progesterone helps in losing weight. I quoted part of the article: "Raising the level of progesterone hormones helps to lose weight.

Why would raising the level of progesterone hormones help lose weight? Because the symptoms mentioned above are caused by a progesterone deficiency. It is creating desires in you that instigate weight gain. Binge eating carbohydrates or sweets will put weight on anyone. A progesterone deficiency can also cause fatigue and muscle soreness that will make you less likely to exercise.

Interesting, right. Read the full text here: http://aboutwomenshealthissues.com/how-progesterone-hormones-help-women-to-lose-weight/2008/

How to hide not eating so much?
Q. I'm 13 and I am NOT ANOREXIC. I am however a little on the chubby side. For the past month or so I have been very responsible with my eating, but my parents are very worried. They think I am starving myself WHICH IM NOT. tonight my mom made a huge dinner with steak and corn and a whole lot of food, and i have already eaten way over my calories earlier today. How can I not ear too much for dinner tonight without them forcing food down my throat?? Please help :)

A. you will not gain weight so fast - it doesn´t matter if you eat two or three meals a day if you don´t do it all days. Girls, you want to loose weight and do NOT know how your body works - that´s ridiculous. And I´ve seen your other questions - if you are now afrait to binge you really should ask if you develope an eating disorder .....despite of your quote "I am not anorexic".....well, not now maybe.

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