How to overcome my binge eating disorder?

Q. Every single night I consume hundreds of calories, to the point where I'm eating 1000 - 2000 calories, sometimes more. I've struggled with this for five years and I just want to be able to live without having my life revolve around food. I hate myself more than I can put into words. I've struggled with depression, suicidal thoughts, etc., and this is only making it worse. How can I overcome this by myself? :/

A. You have to have a reason on WHY you eat so much at night. It could be anything from nervousness, anxiousness, loneliness, boredom, or maybe you're just eating incorrectly!

Eating incorrectly can be from eating too fast, not chewing your food right, and not letting your body process the food into your system. If you take big bites, swallow chunks down, and not give your body time to recognize the food, then your body won't have time enough to process the food and make you feel full because you're eating too fast.

Try taking up another habit like chewing gum or just keeping yourself busy in general. Cut yourself off after dinner and keep your mind occupied and away from the food/snack cravings. Hope this helps

Why do people drink so much alcohol in ireland ?
Q. I have never seen so much disregard towards health as i have seen in ireland , binge drinking every weekend , drinking cans almost every night of the week and anything else with some alcohol in it .

Don't you care about your life ?

A. Go back under your bridge , i'm irish born and bred and i don't even drink alcohol, i gave it up a few years ago.

Why pick on ireland ? why not pick on u.k? they have 24 hour pubs and clubs every single day of the week serving alcohol non stop to anyone over 18 who can stand up and order it no matter what time it is .

Have you been to Germany ? you should see how they drink .

And have you been to Texas in the united states ? you should see them neck back alcohol and how proudly they promote the stuff .
And theres quite a few other places in the states that have a fairly heavy drinking culture too.
Oh and at least we don't eat junk food on a regular basis like the americans do , seems americans cannot live with a mcdonalds or KFC , hence why america has such an appalling obesity rate .

Nothing wrong with the occasional drink as long as its in moderation , many of my friends drink but they dont get langers every night of the week .

Seems to me you are just hanging onto the old worn out stereotype of ireland and irish people in a desperate sad attempt to get an angry response from us .
You really should find something else to do with your time.

How can I drop 3 pounds pretty quickly?
Q. I have slipped and fell off of my diet wagon, so to speak. I binge like every night now. My prom is coming up and I want to fit nicely into my dress, not BUST out of it. Any tips for me to help lose just three or four pounds in a few weeks?

A. drink pleanty of water, do not take in a lot of salt, and you can eat all the eggs and chicken (baked) you want as long as you have asparagus to go with it, I did this and after about 3 days of being on this diet I lost anywhere from 1/2 a pound to one pound a day, but let me tell you it is hard comming down off that sugar high

It is simplier to cut down on a 1000 callories a day here is a helpful website

good luck

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