How to control binge eating and lose weight?

Q. How to control Binge eating when my mind just tries to justify it?
I tell myself oh it's ok not a big deal but it really it. Chocolate takis chips and such is not healthy food at all. Also how to lose 10 more pounds? I'm 130 at 5'3" and I want to weigh 120

A. The way to control binge eating is to understand your cravings. It's usually because you're diet is so strict that your body actually starts screaming for a vacation. Say to yourself "it's ok that I want chocolate chip cookies, it's ok that I want cheesecake" or whatever it might be. The sooner you do that, the sooner you will come face to face with it and realize that it's not actually big deal that you want it. One thing that works is literally letting yourself go crazy once or twice a week. If you are doing both diet and exercise, it won't be a big deal. If not, I would strongly sugess adding both to your routine.

Loosing ten more pounds - doing high intensity exercises for 3, 10 minute intervals will help get rid of those pounds. jumping rope, sprint intervals at the track, some kind of "more intense than usual" cardio will do it

what are easy ways to eat healthier and stop binge eating?
Q. i eat a lot of bread, chips, candy, and cheese, what are some healthier things? how should i eat to lose weight? what are some easy yummy recipes? also how can i stop binge eating?

A. There is no easy way for some, as it takes determination to avoid those things. Most will lack the self discipline to not buy them when out, and not have them in the house.

Have healthy snacks by you chair and if you keep yourself busy you will not be bothered to get up for more.
There is no need to avoid some of those things you like, but ration them. An example would be with potato chips and instead of getting the 50g bag or whatever size get the bigger bag that has 10-12 smaller packets in and take just one packet to snack on.
Have something like a small bowl with a dozen or more grapes and when you finish the small bag of chips have the grapes or nuts to clean the taste of chips from your mouth.

How do i overcome binge eating before i gain too much weight?
Q. I am fifteen and have been on a strict but healthy diet for the last six months or so. I reached a healthy weight that i was happy with and have managed to maintain it for a few months however, for the last few weeks i have recurrently been binge eating and i can't seem to control myself- how can i get my health back on track before i gain back all the weight and my binge eating gets even more out of control?

A. I have been having almost the same problem, I went vegan and began running doing yoga and kickboxing and lost about 50lbs. I think it may be because i deprived myself of things i loved like chocolate, and snack foods like chips and i hardly ate any fat. Try to keep cut up fruits and fill yourself up with that. Its worth a try im trying that starting today. I have been struggling with binge eating for months and i gained 14 lbs in one week. I eat until i am uncomfortably full and almost in pain. Its so ridiculous but hard to control. Let me know if u make any progress, good luck and ur not alone in ur struggle

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