How does a eating disorder (binge eating) psychologist help to quit my bad eating habit?

Q. So I have 9 sessions total with my psychologist for night time binge eating disorder -that I wake up in the middle of the night and start eating a lot fast thats the reason I got denied for gastric bypass surgery or lap band as well.

will the psychologist be able to really cure* or treat* my binge eating disorder successfully? if so, how can he/she just by talking to me?

the total cost for therapy will be around $1600

A. The reason you do this is psychological, since there is no need to do it and you obviously know it is harmful. Many people have success but some do not. It is not a guarantee though.

How come the fat around my stomach aint coming off?
Q. Ive quit binge eating, ive only been drinking water, ive been exercising 30 mins a day,everyday,ive been doing this for over a month now, and the fat doesnt seem to be coming off my stomach.Why is this?

A. The reason you aren't losing fat around your stomach is probably because you are only doing cardio. When you do cardio (walking, running, biking, ect) you make everything proportionally smaller. For example, if you are shaped like an apple, (large middle, smaller legs) and you do cardio, you will only become a smaller apple shape. That means your legs will get smaller, your stomach will get smaller, your arms will get smaller, but they will look the same proportion. You need to do weight training on the areas that you want to change, there are plenty of exercises that you can to that focus on the stomach. Try looking some exercises up online... but a good one I use is going to the gym and they have a stand that you can do sit ups on but it looks like this... \... your legs are at the top and your head is at the bottom, your head is lower than your body. Then you hold a weight and do a few sets of 8-10 reps. You will start to build muscle, and the muscle will burn the fat on your stomach as you exercise and even while you are resting. If you stay committed to including weight training, you WILL see results.. I promise!!!

How did/do you recover from a binge eating episode?
Q. Since my last weigh in, my scale has said I gained 7 one week. I have been binge eating all week and get weighed in on Wednesday.

My question is, how did/do you recover from a binge eating episode?

I am just upset because my scale has said that I am actually 5 lbs heavier than my start weight. It might not seem like a big deal, but it is when you were 4 lbs from goal and gained it all back.

A. Sweetheart I've been where you are at right now , and still go through it . Okay you fell off the wagon with the binge eating , okay it's done and over with . You need to go to your weigh in on Wednesday and face the music . The beauty of it all is you can start all over again , please don't give up . I attend weight watchers and I get weighed every Tuesday . I lost 64 pounds and It wasn't easy to do and it still isn't easy . You have the inner power inside to amaze yourself . Setbacks are just setups for victory . Don't quit now . Nothing taste as good as thin feels .

Tips for beating binge eating and getting healthy fast?
Q. I was a binge eater for years, then a year ago, I lost 80 pounds. However, ever since january I have been binge eating again, and have lost all motivation for staying healthy. I am now 40 pounds over weight. Help please.

A. imagination is stronger than will power
learned this from site below.
theres a technique there called the craving buster
which is aversion therapy
definitely will help to stop binge eating
i had a caffeine addiction for 15yrs and quit right after learning the technique.also,changed the way i eat too.
the site also teaches how to stay motivated and positive
it's great. done wonders for me.

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