How can I stop binge eating in the early hours of the night?

Q. I'm trying to loose weight and am a binge eater. I'm finding it particularly hard to stop these cravings at night. It is for sweet food. I am fully awake and know what I'm doing but I can't help myself. I can't eat it fast enough and won't be satisfied until I eat it. I eat 3 healthy meals a day with snacks in-between and have something sweet after tea to satisfy my sweet tooth which seems to work. However, I cannot control myself at night. Please note that I am severly depressed and on medication

A. Hi Katie. I know how hard this can be. Especially at night. I think it is crucial to continue to get help with your depression if you want to stop binge eating once and for all.Our emotional state of being truly effects our cravings when we are binge eaters. Please continue to fight for your health, as am I. and please follow my blogs about binge eating and dieting!! Together we can over come this!!


I am taking Ambien and I sleep eat after taking it, I cant stop this medication, any ideas?
Q. I have terrible insomnia but I notice about 10 minutes after taking the medication, I binge eat, it's nto good when your on a diet. Ive tried everything and eating something when I take it seems to help but am wondering if anyone else has had this issue and any ways to stop binge eating?

A. Lots of sleep meds can make u binge eat. Try may sound crazy but here's a few ex of what u could try:
Melatonin and extract of oats at night
try this for a wk
Valerian root tea, with other sleeping herbs, catnip, scullcap, mint, etc.
try this for a wk
then: valerian rt extract
or wild bergamont {Monarda fistula} tea
when all else fails, try one pill of trazadone
keep trying different things.........exercise works wonders for insomnia
look up Rose Mountain herbs for those extracts ....... oats are great!
insomniac myself
one to another...........never tried ambien but stay away from it!
best of luck to ya

How can I avoid late night binge eating?
Q. I always try to stop eating after 8 pm but then once 10 or 11 rolls around i get hungry again and it's SO hard not to eat. I try to say no but majority of the time I end up having something. What are your methods to avoid eating late at night?

A. Jenn,

I was once in your shoes and know how you feel. These are the 4 methods I have used to prevent over eating late at night. Check out this article

Also, if you want a free body fat analysis and workout routine that can help prevent any unwanted weight gains, sign up for this report.

I hope this helps!

Define binge eating, whats the difference between a binge and simply eating too much?
Q. what is binge eating exactly? What qualifies? Whats the difference between binging and just eating a lot one night?

A. Basically, a binge is when you don't feel as if you have control over it. You will keep eating and eating, feeling as if someone has taken over your body and you literally CANNOT stop. You're not hungry, yet you keep eating because it gives you a tiny sense of pleasure.

Eating a lot of food doesn't count as a binge if you're actually hungry, you feel completely sane while eating it, and you stop when you feel full. Everyone overeats every once in a while. You only have to worry about it if it gets to the point where it turns into BED (binge eating disorder) or CED (compulsive eating disorder.)

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