How can I stop binge eating at night?

Q. I'm trying to cut back a lot on what I eat because I really need to lose a few pounds.

A lot of times I binge eat at night. Like tonight I ate a bunch of mini doughnuts, a fudge pop, ice cream, and pretty much everything I could get my hands on. I find it really hard to stop myself from eating a lot at night because I get hungry and I don't make good choices. Plus, I eat because I'm bored.

How can I stop binge eating at night?

A. When i tried to lose weight and end my addiction to restaurants, I made a bet with my boyfriend that I could go without them for two months. He did not believe me and said he would give me a certain amount of money if I actually succeeded. The fact that he didn't believe I could do it and the monetary incentive gave me the boost I need to do it.

Try to make a similar bet with your husband, mom, roommate, whoever you live with. It doesn't have to be money, but it should be something that you really want.

Also take Tylenol PM before you feel like binging. It will knock you out and you won't be dependent on it.

How to keep the weight off even if I binge eat?
Q. I'm at a healthy weight right now, but recently I just cannot stop binge eating on sweets (mostly chocolate chip cookies, pancakes, waffles, and deli wraps - all fatty food by the way) late at night. It's scary because sometimes they add up to more than 2500 calories, just from a single binge. How can I keep from gaining weight from episodes of binge eating? Working out for 2 hours a day?

A. You would have to work out a lot more that 2 hours a day.

Making your body process all that sugar and carbs and fat and crap..............all the working out in the world isn't going to help your arteries and liver and pancreas with processing that crap.

Just stop binging!!!STOP IT!!!!!

How can I stop myself from binge eating?
Q. For like the last four or five months my eating habits have been all over the place. I go through periods of time where I will restrict my calories and other times when I just can't stop eating. I know that part (or all) of the reason I binge eat is because of stress, boredom, or because I have been restricting my food to the point where I am so hungry I start eating uncontrollably. The problem is I can't seem to help myself and don't know how to stop binge eating. What can I do?

A. First of all, don't beat yourself up about it. Everyone has a binge every once in a while, but you can do a lot to prevent it.

I'd suggest eating 5 or 6 small meals a day (about 300 calories each). This is eating every few hours so you know you never have to wait long for your next meal. Make them healthy and filling. There's many resources online and in cookbooks for making tasty small meals. Drink water + tea or coffee the majority of the time, not pop or milk. This may feel weird for the first few days, but after a while your stomach will understand and as long as you plan ahead, it is a great diet to maintain. It's how I lost 10 lbs the healthy way.

Also, write down everything you eat (everything!). When you feel like snacking/binging, look at your food journal and think - should I eat anything more right now?

At night time, brush your teeth not long after your last meal (or cup of tea). When your teeth are clean and fresh you won't want to eat. I find this helpful because when I snack badly it tends to be at night. I also try to remember how I will feel the next morning when I step on the scale and think "wow, I wasn't even hungry and now I have to work that much harder to get rid of my boredom eating".

Good luck!

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