How can I lose 10 pounds and stop binge eating?

Q. I really have a mental problem with food and feel that I can't stop eating like I'm addicted. What can I do to change? Is this in my hypothalamus? Also what are some good ideas to lose the weight quickly

A. Dear Leah,

It would be greatly appreciated if you let us in on some more data about your self such as your height, weight, waist and your age.

But judging from what you have mentioned above, you would like to loose fat over your body and reduce your weight. Correct me if I am wrong.

Good nutrition is essential for good health and eating nutritious food can help to prevent against common ailments, as well as more life threatening illnesses and diseases.

What you need to engage in is a well balanced all rounded diet with considerable physical exertion over a prolonged time period. Food can be broken down into 5 major groups. These groups are carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals and water. The body needs varying amounts of these types of food so that the adequate amount of nutrients is supplied to the body. A well-balanced diet does not mean an equal amount of each type of food, as our body requires more of some nutrients than others.

Each type of food plays a significant role in our body but excesses or deficiencies of certain types of food can also harm the body and produce a negative impact on our health.

It is very important that we know how much of each type of food we are supposed to consume and that we eat in a sensible way. This means eating regular meals at "least" three times a day and drinking plenty of water, but what I would suggest is breaking it down to 5 smaller meals a day and having your last solid meal before 6pm after that you are only allowed to have pure low fat milk a mug or two would be a good idea to cut down on excessive cravings.

Make it a habit to work out at least 5 times a week of not daily. Walk for at least 30 minutes a day at medium pace and then do some breathing exercises for 10 minutes. Green tea is an important ingredient you would perhaps like to include in your diet. Make sure you create a deficit of 500 calories every day if you are to loose any real weight that is fat or else you will just end up loosing water or muscle weight.

As far as your Binge eating habits are concerned I had the same problems as a teenager so what I did was:

Do NOT diet.

Dieting doesnât work. Iâve tried all the diets. I would be able to keep a diet up for a few days. But then I would have a day where I would crash, and binge eat. Rather than trying to diet to lose weight, try to slowly improve your eating habits. Instead of eating 5 junk foods a day, try eating 4 for the next 7 days. Once you have done that successfully then trying eating 3 junk foods for the next 7 days etc.

Eat fatty or sugary foods in controlled moderation.

Understand that weight loss is HARD.

Commercials for weight loss products make weight loss look so easy. Itâs NOT. Loosing weight and keeping it off is one of the toughest goals one can achieve. However you can achieve it slowly over time. Trying to lose weight too quickly by eating very little or exercising for extremely long sessions will not work. It will lead you to crashing and binge eating.

Tell a friend.

Tell a trusted close friend of family member about your binge eating or overeating habits. More often than not they will be very supportive.

Team up with others who are trying to stop binge eating.

Hope this answers your question.

Is it just me that seems to binge before periods?
Q. or am I the only one that totally breaks down and eats as much as 15 grown men before my period? because it is totally ruining me.

A. No, I eat sooo much right before I get my period, but then I barely eat when I'm actually on it.

What are the Warning Signs of an eating disorder?
Q. I think I may have an eating disorder. I have like half of the warning signs, but I know i am not anorexic or bulimic.

Can you give me some of the warning signs?

A. Hello Dear,

If you are having warnings signs like

-Dramatical weight loss in short period of time
-Intense fear of gaining weight
-Extreme fear of gaining weight
-Alternation in eating pattern between binges and fasts
-Depressive moods and self-deprecating thoughts following a binge

Or some physical problems like

-Chronic kidney problems
-Electrolyte imbalance
-Low potassium. etc.

then you probably have eating disorder. You may find more online information and courses for eating disorder and can prevent your self and others before suffering. After all prevention is better than cure.

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