Compulsive eating disorder after anorexia?

Q. I had anorexia as a young teen, but now i believe I have a compulsive eating disorder. Very difficult because I am a runner and like to run road races but binging always throws my running way off. I don't purge. I did get help for the anorexia thankfully, but now it progressed to this. What could I do to help it?

A. Eating disorders involve serious disturbances in eating behavior, including unhealthy reduction of food intake, severe overeating and/or dangerous methods to prevent weight gain, such as self-induced vomiting. Severe eating disorders may result in serious health consequences including death.

Patients can be diagnosed with an eating disorder at any age, but they most often develop during adolescence and young adulthood. More women than men are diagnosed with eating disorders.

The most common types of eating disorders are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder. Other, less common types of eating disorders include pica and rumination disorder.

Learn more on this topic at Your Total Health at

Be sure to visit the safe and supportive ED message board:

Be well!

Q. Ok, so I was wondering; Has anyone here dealt with binge-eating and how did you stop it?
How do I learn to listen to my body and give it what it needs?
I've been binge eating for 2 years now, and just today I realized I have a problem. I told my mum, but she says it's something everyone does, so not much help to get there!!
Right now, I just want to give up, because when I tell someone, they don't believe me. They don't think it's that bad! But why the **** is it that I have been doing this for 2 years now. It's like binge eating then starve yourself over and over again. I certainly don't hope it's something everyone does. Please help, I need help.

A. Hi there
Binge-eating is part of one of the many eating disorders out there. You can get confidential help about all of this through b-eat-they have a youth telephone line 0845 634 7650 and also message boards on their website.Also try eating disorders support on 01494 793223 -both sites have information on what is an eating disorder and the different typs out there.
The fact that you are wanting to get better is brilliant!And the good news is you can. Sometimes we show our feelings in our eating and maybe you could understand your eating with the help of your GP or pratice nurse-again all confidential. They could help you to get a counsellor or maybe you could speak to your school nurse (confidential again) or school counsellor.Ther are bok lists on the b-eat website all about different eating disorders, check out their message boards, write your own message there -other people will write back with more help.

I have binge eating disorder and I have no idea what to do...?
Q. I was anorexic last year and I got down to 90 pounds (5 1'') before doctors made me gain. As that was happening, I developed binge eating disorder. I still binge today and it's depressing the heck out of me. I've missed school multiple times because I felt fat. I try different things to stop binge eating, but I eventually always get back to it. I admit to having purged multiple times within the past few months. I just have a deadly fear of gaining even more weight. I'm already considered overweight (140 pounds). I just am really frustrated with myself at this point. I've been to therapists, but it really never worked for me. I wasn't comfortable talking to someone like that. Does anyone have some advice?

A. Always eat some protein, whole grain carbs, and a little bit of fats (avacados, nuts, etc) with every meal you eat. Next, binge on salads and other veggies. This way you can binge but doing it smartly.

Eat a salad every day! The calorie density in a salad is minimal (excluding dressings like ranch) and will fill your stomach effectively.

Tony Horton (the maker of P90X, P90X2, 10 minute trainer etc) has some great advice when it comes to salads, click the link.

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