How and where do I get help for an eating disorder?

Q. I've had binge eating disorder for 3 years now, and I'm done. It's only getting worse and I need help. Where do I go for help and how much would it cost? Also how do I do this without my parents finding out (I'm 18, going to college in the fall). My parents absolutely can't know, I'd rather keep living with my disorder than telling them, so please don't suggest anything of the sort.

A. Hello :)
I found an article entitled, "Do I Have An Eating Disorder?"
You already know the answer to that questions since you said you've been dealing with this for 3 years.
But this article doesn't only help you identify whether you have one or not, it helps you "take action" (as they word it) and get help.

Let me just say that I think it is very mature & smart of you to decide you need to stop! That's a good sign that this may not be as hard as it would be for others who deny they have a problem all together.

I'm going to paste a section of this article in here, just to get you started.
It's under the subheading, "Take Action Now"

Take Action Now!

The first step is to admit to yourself that you have a problem. âAfter thinking about it,â Danielle says, âI realized that I had the same feelings and habits as girls with anorexia. It was scary to come face-to-face with the fact that I did the same things that they did.â

Next, pray about your plight.% Implore him for insight as to what is behind your disorder so that you can conquer it. You can pray as did David: âSearch through me, O God, and know my heart. Examine me, and know my disquieting thoughts, and see whether there is in me any painful way, and lead me in the way of time indefinite.â

On the other hand, you might find that you are reluctant to leave your eating disorder behind. You may have become dependent on it, much like an addiction. This is another matter to take in prayer. That is what Danielle had to do. âAt first,â she admits, âI didnât really want to recover. So I had to pray for the desire to get better.â

(Pay EXTRA ATTENTION To this part (: )Third, talk to a parent or other adult who is in a position to help you. Caring adults will not shame you. Rather, they will strive to imitate God, of whom the Bible states: âHe has neither despised nor loathed the affliction of the afflicted one; and he has not concealed his face from him, and when he cried to him for help he heard.

I hope all this will help you & that you will read this article in your spare time. I really think it will help. I hope everything gets better for you!!


i have a binge eating disorder and cant get professional help because my parents want me to get fatter?
Q. im at a healthy weight, but i cant stop binge eating, i can binge eat up to an excess pound a day. i don't wanna get fatter anymore and i hate myself and my body now. its like im a genderless blob. i cant even go get professional help because if i told my parents they would just be glad that i am and don't want me to stop. how can i stop?

A. Hun, you have a whole life to live. For the short hall, controlling every calorie the way you are may seem to make sense to you. But it won't work for any length of time. You could end up losing your teeth or worse, much worse. And then at the end of all that you are still in the same boat as when you started. Yes, I believe you should get counseling, but not for your parents, for you. When you go to counseling what is said there is kept between the counselor and yourself. And you can remind your parents about that as well.

I hope you make peace with yourself and with your body. I understand that you don't want to gain weight and yet you don't know how to stop yourself from overeating. I used to be bulimic myself. But instead of these dangerous shortcuts you, like everyone else, will have to learn to eat in a healthy way. You need to stop hating yourself and begin to accept yourself the way you are (even as you work at becoming who you want to be). Good luck!

How do you cure an eating disorder?
Q. Eternal switching back and forth healthy eating to binge-eating. Ex-bulimic. Binge-eating for years.

A. I don't know how to cure an eating disorder, but I now have mine under control after years of therapy, drugs [doctor prescribed :D], and work. Do you go to a therapist? I'd been going to therapists for years, but when I finally found one that I really 'clicked' with, it helped me a lot, more than I'd ever been helped by all the others ones.

Here are some tips I used to use [and still sometimes do] not to binge. Hopefully they will work for you?

When you feel an eating binge coming on, try to get out of the room where the food is and try to get your mind on another thing. Try playing a word or numbers game - like Soduko. [They have tons of free Sudoko games online and they are addictive!]. You could also try watching a movie that you KNOW will keep your mind involved [this can be hard] or calling up a friend and chatting or even going out.

You can also drink a LARGE cup of ice water. This will fill your stomach up and try and help your body remember that it is not hungry. [Plus, as awful as it sounds, if you do end up binging and than purging, drinking lots of water can make it slightly less damaging to your throat - but not much.]

If you are very, very disciplined, when you feel a binge coming on, try to have just a tiny, tiny bit of whatever it is you really want. For instance, if you want to eat an entire package of Oreos eat JUST ONE. Denying the urges can sometimes make the desire to binge happen more frequently, but it can also be very hard to stop eating once you have started.

Above all else, do NOT get down on yourself if you do binge. Making yourself feel depressed or otherwise low can actually make you want to eat more. Remind yourself that you are a very important person and you do not need this food. If you feel like you don't care, remind yourself how special and unique you are. It sounds corny, but it can really help.

I really hope at least some of this helped. Good luck and please be careful.

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