Can't figure out what eating disorder I have?!? Anorexia, bulimia, or binge eater?

Q. Okay, i know I have some sort of disorder, but I don't know what. I have always wanted to lose weight, I take karate and I love to swim but I don't have a pool and we can't afford one.
I have wanted to be anorexic. For the past year now when people asked me if I was, and I noticed I had the eating pattern of one. So I continued, but it just got so hard to control myself from food.
Then once I overate and I wanted to puke so badly!! But I have a small stomach and not a sensitive enough gag reflex, I tried to throw up because it kept me up at night with a hurting stomach. (my parents are doctors and they told me if i could, try to throw up. But that i shouldnt make a habit of it). But i just couldnt throw up. So I looked online to try and figure out how to make myself throw up, and a bulimic link came up, but it sounds so gross (my teeth are already in very bad condition, I can't afford stomach acid). I know it's not bulimia but I considered it for a second, then I thought hard about it

Here's the real problem..
A few months later of my failed attempts of anorexia, my health teacher had a sign in the back of the room about eating disorders. I recognized anorexia and bulimia but didn't recognize binge eating. Now, I looked it up online and it sounds EXACTLY like me.
I don't stop eating, even when I'm full.
I eat when I'm not hungry.
I just walk into the kitchen, and even if I just ate, I'll eat some more.
I can't help but eat until my plate is empty, then eat straight from the pan leftovers where I got the food.
I feel like if there's food, I have to finish it, because my parents told me to always finish my plate when I was little.
I eat a lot of meat despite my attempts to be vegetarian. I don't eat vegetables or fruits a lot, sadly. I can't stand cheese but I eat yogurt or milk.
Am I binge eater?
I feel like I have the mind of an anorexic, but the habits of a binge eater.

A. omg! not 2 b upfront, but u need some help. it sounds like ur a binge eater, and u shouldn't want 2b an anorixic person, cuz there r really bad side effects, i can email u an essay we did on it and its scary! this r some of the less grusome effects:

Brain: Develop depression, fear of gaining weight, anxiety, dizziness, guiltiness, low self-esteem.
Cheeks and jaws: Swelling and soreness
Mouth: Gum disease, cavities, tooth enamel erosion, sensitive teeth
Throat and esophagus: Sore, irritated, blood in vomit, tore or ruptured
Blood: Anemia
Heart: Irregular heart rate, heart failure, weakened heart muscle, low pulse and blood pressure
Muscles: Fatigue
Body fluids: Dehydration, low potassium, magnesium and sodium
Stomach: Ulcers, pain, rupture, causing delay in emptying
Skin: Abrasion of knuckles and dry skin
Intestines: Constipation, irregular bowel movements, bloating, diarrhea, abdominal pain, cramping

talk 2 someone like a trusted adult, they will b able 2 refer u 2 some1 2 ovacome ur problem, ring a teen hotline number or if u want me 2 send some stuff 4 u choose me best answer and consider it dun! i hope u feel beter!! :) good luck

A diet and exercise plan, please tell me if you believe it will work?
Q. Okay, so lately I decided to finally change my lifestyle in order to lose weight... so, I decided on a diet and exercise plan to use, tell me if you think I can get any results from it, here goes:

For the 1st meal I'll be having one pack of flavored oatmeal...
For the 2nd meal I'll be having some Peachs, maybe with a Banana too.
For the 3rd meal, I'll have a Salad with a low-fat dressing. (And, I know to not put alot of dressing on the salad, as even low-fat can be bad sometimes...)
For the 4th meal, more fruit, either Pears, or another Banana and a apple.
And for the 5th and final meal, some special K brand cereal with skim milk.

But now, the exercise plan:

Two (sometimes three) days I week, I'll do weight-training for a little while, about 15-20 minutes, however, every day I do an hour of walking/jogging. But, I spread the walking throughout my day, for example:

In the morning I'll walk for 25 minutes, in the day I'll walk for 15 minutes, and in the night I'll walk for 20 minutes. Is that okay to do?

And I do drink 8 glasses of water each day to help the metabolism further. And, I usually drink nothing but water each day anyway. I've already completely eliminated sweets and junk foods from the diet, so I'm good there. (Never really liked those kind of foods anyway. XD It was easy to give them up.)

Well, that's it... do you think with this plan, I could see any results? Thank you all for your help!

A. Its pretty good. but you might wanna add some meat in there... being on a diet doesn't mean you shouldn't eat the things you were eating before... just enough... with the salad you might wanna throw in some chicken chunks, or Tuna...or salmon...and eggs. especially if you're on weight training the best protein source is still meat products and eggs.

you can consume eggs 2-3x per week and you can eat enough meat althroughout the week. your muscles would need it to repair themselves from the soreness you will get from the gym. just don't forget, no fried, no chicken skin, no bovine fat, just plain lean meat and fish.

i hope you stick to your plan... live healthy! and fulfill your cravings, don't be too hard on yourself. the more you deprive yourself, the more possibility that you will binge on what you're craving for.

don't eat less, just enough.

tip: eat a banana and a bottle of soya milk within 30 mins after exercise. your body needs energy and K and protein. this combination does good.

and drink water not when you're thirsty, but before you get on exercise and in between sets. :)

Good Luck :)

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