What do they eat in eating disorder recovery centers?

Q. Have you ever been in an inpatient eating disorder recovery program? What is it like? What do they eat on a daily basis? Do you count calories? I have been suffering from binge/purge type anorexia for 4 years, and I can not get help until I am 18 because my parents refuse to let me. I am trying to center what I will eat around what they would have me do. Thanks!!!

A. Well, I have Bulimia and I never been in an eating disorder clinic, but I can only imagine that you only eat healthy food and in a good portion. I don't think they'll count calories because they want to help you get out of that bad habit of worrying about absolutely everything you eat. If you're anorexic they'll want you to gain weight and I'm bulimic and of healthy weight, so they'll want me to stop purging everything I eat. Not all eating disorder clinics are fun. Some will treat you like you're the criminally insane. All eating disorder clinics are different. Just do a little research on the one you plan on enrolling in.

What do you get a person with an eating disorder for Valentines?
Q. I have a friend who I want to give something to for Valentines day, problem is they have an eating disorder. They're getting better, but I'm still stumped

No chocolates, no candies??

And I'm only a friend nothing more soooo??

A. I think they'd appreciate a nice card. I had/have an eating disorder and I probably would have felt awkward if a friend got me something different than everyone else. So unless you give everyone little stuffed animals I'd just give them the candy/chocolate (as long as it isn't a huge amount that they could potentially binge on). When I was recovering I just wanted to be treated like everyone else, and if I didn't feel ok about eating the chocolate I'd probably just have given it to a friend or sibling...

How can i stop binge eating?
Q. Almost every single day i will binge eat to the point where i consume over 3500 calories! Thank god i have a fast metabolism, but i don't want to eat this way for the rest of my life. So please can someone give me tips to prevent eating a lot or how to keep my mind occupied on something else other then food? I will appreciate any advice given.

A. I suffered with binge eating, gained a stone and a half in 2 months with it, recovered and then started again. I am recovering again. You should read the book 'I can make you thin' by Paul mcKenna, it says you can eat what you want as long as you eat SLOWLY, CHEW FOOD WELL AND STOP WHEN YOU START TO FEEL FULL. This helped me become more aware of my stomachs signals giving me more power over my binges. But you must read the book to understand fully. Also, research positve affirmations for binge eating disorder. These helped me get more positive about stopping it. Before I eat something or start a binge, I take a drink, wait 15 mins and say to myself, do I really need this and how will I feel after I have eaten it? I try to respect my body. Also, I kind of frighten myself sometimes, binge eating damages the stomach and can lead to obesity. These possibilities make me stop. Im sorry I cant say there is a magic solution, but it just takes time and practice. Treat your body the best you can and you will get there. I have recovered so much without any professional help and so can anyone if they try hard enough. You make think that you have no self control but you would be surprised. Best of luck!!!

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