What distinguishes people with anorexia nervosa, the binge eating/purging type, from those with bulimia nervos?

Q. What distinguishes people with anorexia nervosa, the binge eating/purging type, from those with bulimia nervosa???

A. Read the articles link below for clear understanding about anorexia, binge eating/purging or bulimia nervosa..
I hope this help.

What distinguishes people with anorexia nervosa, the binge eating/purging type from those with bulimia nervosA?
Q. What distinguishes people with anorexia nervosa, the binge eating/purging type, from those with bulimia nervosa???

A. Bulimia is binge/purge eating, while Anorexia is starvation. There are many other profile differences between Bulimia and Anorexia. There is also Binge Eating Disorder.

Anorexics tend to be perfectionists, and are horrified of gaining weight.

Bulimics tend to maintain a healthy diet, but sometimes get derailed and eat 2000+ calories in one sitting, then try to compensate by vomiting, or excessive working out.

Binge disorder is marked by eating but not purging.

Do you loose weight if you eat and then take laxatives?
Q. Today in health class, we learned that bulimics binge eat and then purge by either throwing up, over exercising, or taking laxatives. If you take laxatives, do you still get the calories of the food that you just ate?

A. This past wednesday, i ate alot, took a laxative, and was in the hospital the next afternoon. DONT DO IT! lol

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