Is marijuana illegal because..?

Q. It is considered a gateway drug? I haven't really come upon any supported reasons as to why it should be illegal.. but I'd like to know the pros and cons of marijuana and why it is illegal... People say it is Government Control and that it is harmless, but what do you think..? P.S i'm not looking to smoke or condone it, I'd just like to be enlightened..

A. Its illegal for a bunch of political bs.

The gateway theory, note the word, theory.

In the 60s, the gov sponsored a study that asked addicts in rehab, often for heroine or crack cocaine, what their first illegal drug was. Of course, the answer is almost always marijuana, because it is the cheapest and most widely available illegal drug.

Several problems with this.
1. I have yet to see a gov study, even the more recent ones used to support this theory, that talks about how many people have used marijuana, but did not become an addict, and now has a succulence life.

2. They used correlation as causation, which really breaks the scientific method. For example, it is cold outside, I put on a sweater. It is easy to assume the cold outside is why I put on a sweater. But what if the cold outside had nothing to do with it, but rather I put on a sweater because I got my shirt wet, or my heater broke, or it is the dress code to the event I am attending, etc.

3. They asked about the first illegal drug, not what was their first experience with a substance that produces a type of high. Most people's first drug is sugar, followed by caffeine. Many people will not report alcohol, because it is legal, even if the person was under age. They do not ask about prescribed narcotics, which DO produce a high even when rx'ed for a legit reason. They do not ask about over the counter meds, a single dose of nyquil will leave me a bit loopy. While this may be heading toward the controversial, they also do not ask when or if they have ever binge eaten, or if they use food to handle their emotions, as, when you get down to the nitty griddy of obesity, most obese people use food as a drug. Even more controversial, what about milk? Milk has chemicals that are depressants, they will help calm, relax and can even help you sleep. So does chicken. Chocolate produces the same chemicals in the brain as sex does.

4. They do not take into account that the gateway, it it exists, is likely social. The black market trade on drugs does not end with marijuana. There is all sorts of drugs pushed, often by the same people most get their marijuana from. How would that change if you bought it in a store?
On the same token, it also does not take into account the drastic misconception the schedule 1 label gives other drugs. Marijuana is scheduled as one of the most dangerous drugs possible in this country, while cocaine, heroine, morphine, oxy, xanax, and a slew of others are all lower on the list, suggesting that they are not as dangerous. However, it is the complete opposite that is true.
So what happens when a teenager has heard their entire life that marijuana is horrible and evil and will rot your brain out, then tries it, realizes it really doesn't do much, all these other drugs must not be that bad either?

In response to other posters...
1. It was federally criminalized in the mid 30s
2. It does NOT contain 3 times more tar and 50% more carcinogens than tobacco. Every time you see this stat, it comes with different numbers. If you compare a whole joint (which is typically multiple servings) that contains seeds, stems and leaves, then yes, it can have higher numbers. However, if you compare that same joint, multiple servings and all, with bud only, the numbers actually reverse. Smoked marijuana bud contains about 600 different chemicals. Smoked commercial tobacco contains over 4000 different chemicals.
3. If you read the gov sponsored sites someone below listed, check out their reference lists. Some of the references are to news articles, NOT peer reviewed journal articles. Remember, 95-98% of ALL media, world wide, is owned by the same 3-5 for profit mega corps. Everything you see in a news article is there to sell you either an idea, or a product. Most news articles have misleading headlines, and completely cluster f*ck the facts.

Also, for the actual studies that are referenced, go read them. I can spot them faster because I have an educational back ground in research methods, but the biases are clear. Many of them rely on drugging lab animals up with ENORMOUS quantities of marijuana, and then claiming perm damage because they have given the poor rat so much marijuana that it is still metabolizing the thc at the end of the 4-6 week study period, and therefore still exhibiting signs of being under the influence. Or giving animals smoked marijuana with a huge amount of smoke with little to no oxygen, which will start the process of aspyxiation, then claiming that marijuana causes brain damage. Listing the symptoms of something that is habit forming as if it is chemically addictive. Sure, heavy use of mariuana will mess with your body's regulation of sleep, hunger and coping with stress. But it WONT cause cold sweats, extreme nausea, violent fits, and hallucinations, which is what happens when detoxing from alcohol.

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