I want to loose 8-10 kgs (22 pounds). What is the healthiest way for it and to prevent it from comming back?

Q. I am 5'4 and weigh 57kgs (127 pounds). I want to become slim and become about 48-49 kgs. What is the best way to loose the weight and prevent it from coming back? I want to loose this weight in 3-4 months. Which exercises are the best? Am I fat currently?

A. 1. Eat about 6 small complete meals throughout the day (Grains, protein, fruits, vegetables) spaced out about every 2-3 hours. DO NOT BINGE EAT!
2. Be as active as you can. Nothing to do for 10 minutes? Knockout 10 elevated push ups.
3. Eat some spicy foods, take a lot of vitamin C, and drink between a half gallon and a whole gallon of WATER a day.
4. No more soda. Ever.
5. If you do drink coffee, drink it black.
6. Do at least 35 minutes of cardio straight at least once a day, at least three times a week, more if you are not trying to put on muscle.
7. Do a large amount of full body exercises whenever possible (Pull-ups, Chin ups, dips, squats, power cleans)
8. Get at least 6 hours of sleep a night, but no more then 9.
9. Avoid anything deepfried, white bread, sprinkles, and any refined sugar.

What happend last night to make me vomit ?
Q. I haven't eaten proberly in days. Then yesterday I ate loads I binged. Then I wAS thinking all day about purging. But I disided against it. But during the night I felt really unconfitable. Ans I just vomited loads. What happend to make me vomit was it becayuse that's want I really wanated or because my stomach was full.

A. Have you been diagnosed with an eating disorder? The restricting and bingeing definitely sounds unhealthy.

I'm on a similar boat. I generally restrict, but occasionally I binge and purge. I find that even when I don't want to purge, my stomach just isn't able to handle the food I've eaten.

When you starve, your stomach can shrink a bit. It's not a permanent or irreversible process, but the capacity to hold food is diminished for a time.

From what you've described, it sounds like your stomach was shriveled from days of undereating. When you went long enough without eating, you ended up incredibly hungry and binged. Afterwards, you felt terrible emotionally, and physically uncomfortable. It was probably a combination of the two that caused you to vomit.

It's good that you decided against forcing yourself to vomit. However, the best way to avoid this, is to avoid bingeing. Restricting is what causes the binge-purge cycle. The only way to prevent it is to eat regular, proper meals.

I'm not trying to lecture you. God knows I don't practice what I preach. But I truly do hope you get help for this, because its not a fun thing to live with.

Should you eat breakfast even though you missed it and is not hungry?
Q. Like sometimes I wake up at 10. I don't know if I should wait until 12 to eat lunch or eat breakfast since when I just wake up, I have no appetite or whatever. It takes me like an hour to get hungry--so I will be eating brunch at 11 I guess.

Should I skip the breakfast or should I eat when I'm not even hungry? I hear breakfast is the most important meal.
But in term of calories saving-- I know it might sound shallow-- doesn't skipping breakfast mean that I will be saving 200-600 calories no?

A. We all know that we should eat breakfast; it was rammed into us at a very young age. As someone participating in fitness, bodybuilding, lifting or any form of exercise, it is even more important. So why do so many people still skip this ultra important, potentially muscle building, energy giving, and awesome meal? Even if you arenât hungry in the morning, forcing yourself to eat something is one of the most beneficial things you will be doing to your body all day.

Why You Should Eat Breakfast

It is common knowledge that we should eat breakfast, but still so many people donât, possibly because the actual importance is underestimated. I write this post because recently a good friend asked me to check out her diet, she is also a Volleyball player and was looking to drop a few kg and change her lifestyle around a little. Within 1 second of reading the paper she gave me this was our conversation

Me: âWhereâs brekkie?â
Her: âDonât eat itâ
Me: âWhy the hell not?â
Her: â No time and Iâm not hungryâ¦you know Iâm terrible at morningsâ
Me: âAre you kidding me?â
Her: âNoâ¦Loz, itâs not that big a deal, relaxâ
Me: âMate, you are a close friend of mine and you donât eat breakfast, I am ashamed of myselfâ¦you want to lose a bit of weight, the only thing wrong with your diet is thatâ
Her: âOk but I donât see what the big deal isâ¦â

This was an eye opener. She is a very intelligent sport person, however has very little knowledge of the fitness industry other than the fact she plays Volleyball. The rest of her diet was actually OK. It seems the importance of breakfast is not as well understood as it should be. So, here is why you should eat breakfast.

* You have been fasting all night; your body needs energy and fuel to break out of catabolism (breakdown) mode. A lack of insulin production during the night, due to fasting, means you are in a catabolic state. When you want to build muscle, or at least not lose it, this isnât where you want to be.
* You will have more energy during the day, and be more focussed and attentive during daily activities. Remember not only your muscles need to energy, your brain runs off glucose too.
* You get your metabolism firing early, leading to more energy burnt, and a more efficient body.
* If you eat breakfast, you are less likely to be hungry and you will eat less later in the day, therefore reducing your calorie intake and aiding weight loss.
* Eating a healthy breakfast will help prevent binge eating later in the day. If you are not as hungry, you arenât going to crave as much crap.
* Your body is very glucose tolerant in the morning, i.e. your muscles are primed to take in fuel without causing as much fat synthesis.

What Should You Eat For Breakfast?

Itâs all well and good that you eat breakfast, and in all honestly, anything is better than nothing. However, and isnât there always an howeverâ¦some things are better than others. Much better. That sugary cereal and a cup of coffee will leave you feeling pretty down not long after you have eaten it.

Eat Healthy

This isnât groundbreaking, but a healthy breakfast will do a lot more good than one full of junk. Funny isnât it. You want to get some carbs and protein in, and a little fat. Your body is more glucose tolerant, so use it. A healthy breakfast can include low GI carbs to ensure fullness for longer (i.e. no sugary cereal), fruit and/or veg (generally people still donât get enough fruit and vegies in, so eat some early), and lean proteins (dairy protein is more common for people early in the morningâ¦skim milk, eggs/ egg whites and yoghurt for example). Sorry for all the obvious statements in this paragraph, but they are important.

Eat Big

Breakfast should be a big meal. If you think about it, what you put into your body early has a lot more chance to be burnt off anyway. A big breakfast will leave you feeling fuller for longer, and will really give your metabolism a kick-start. Eat bigger at the start of the day, and less later on. Obviously this will depend on your lifestyle, but for most people, this is the way to go.

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