I've been binge eating for the past three days. How do I stop before I make it a complete habit?

Q. I've been really stressed out for the past days and I have been binge eating like crazy. I used to binge eat a lot, almost every day, but I got rid of the habit for the last two months or so. But ever since a couple of days ago it came back. I'm starting to build the habit again. How do I stop??? Its like in my system and I can't let it go!

A. That's easy!!
when you feel like you want to eat, drink water, your brain sometimes confuses thirst with hunger.
Wear an elastic band around your arm, and whenever you feel like binge eating then ping it!!
And if you want to lose weight, then drink water before you eat, and while you eat.. constantly sip on water.. it REALLY helps!! I'm loosing soooo much thanks to water!!
make water your new best friend!!
Good luck!! =D

What are some distractions that i can use to stop me from binge-eating?
Q. I'm bulimic and lately i have realised that i am OK if i don't binge eat. I am capable of eating a normal amount of food and keeping it down. But sometimes due to stress or other emotions i binge eat, which leaves me with overwhelming guilt and the need to make myslf throw up.

What are some things i can do to distract myself when i feel like binge eating?

A. I just came back from the psych and discussed this very thing haha...
going to the movies, taking a bath, walking, listening to music, shopping, reading, going to the gym, doing some sport, cleaning, seeing a friend, calling a friend, going to the beach, drawing, painting, knitting, sleeping, driving, going to a club, playing music, cooking, gardening, watch TV, make your own list, go for a bike ride, take photos, go fishing, writing in a diary, meditating, hiking, playing cards (yahoo games!), look at old photos, crosswords, puzzles, surf the net, light some candles, have a coffee or tea instead, play a computer game, horseriding, rock climbing, jigsaws, play with your pets, go for a walk wirth your pets, rearrange some furniture...
this is all from a list he gave me... good luck!

How could someone develop a binge eating disorder?
Q. If one were wanting to develop a binge eating disorder, how would they do it. What would they have to do to develop it?

A. A binge eating disorder does not appear all of a sudden. Instead, it build up over time. Firstly, you might have experienced some traumatic event or just feeling really stressed out lately. When you are stressed out, you eat more. Eating releases "feel good" hormones into your brain and provides a distraction against the outside world because you're too busy concentrating on how good the food tastes to be able to think about anything else. You eat far beyond the point of actual physical hunger. Your stomach may feel completely bloated, yet it's like your body is on automatic and you just can't stop eating. Some people have even passed out from it. Then, when you finally stop, you start feeling horribly guilty. You try to purge the excess calories by overexercising, laxatives or vomiting. Problem solved! Only... it isn't. Eating may have temporarily distracted you, but it does nothing to solve the actual problem. The root of the problem is still there and so you binge again. And you purge. And you binge. And you purge. It's a vicious cycle.. It does not matter what the food you are eating (I used to binge on carrot sticks), only the desire to escape and the guilt that follows afterwards. Not all people purge. Some just compulsively overeat. It's like a drug, a habit, an addiction and one which is extremely hard to break. Do not do it. Please. It may seem like a good escape route at the time, but at the end of the day, it will destroy you.

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