I've been binge eating for the past three days. How do I stop before I make it a complete habit?

Q. I've been really stressed out for the past days and I have been binge eating like crazy. I used to binge eat a lot, almost every day, but I got rid of the habit for the last two months or so. But ever since a couple of days ago it came back. I'm starting to build the habit again. How do I stop??? Its like in my system and I can't let it go!

A. That's easy!!
when you feel like you want to eat, drink water, your brain sometimes confuses thirst with hunger.
Wear an elastic band around your arm, and whenever you feel like binge eating then ping it!!
And if you want to lose weight, then drink water before you eat, and while you eat.. constantly sip on water.. it REALLY helps!! I'm loosing soooo much thanks to water!!
make water your new best friend!!
Good luck!! =D

How much binge eating does have to do before you put on weight?
Q. For how many days ... say if you binge eat one day and then the next... and so on - how many days will it take to put on weight? If you're not overweight already and you exercise for an hour everyday anyway...
In response to the first answer, you'd have to binge eat EVERY day for a week to gain weight? Not just one or two days in a row?

A. depends on how much you binge and how active you are

Average size (120-150 lbs) sedentary woman will burn about 1750-2000 calories per day.

One pound of weight is equal to about 3500 calories.

So if you binged by 500 calories a day, you would gain one pound a week, if you binged by about 1000 calories, you would gain 2 lbs a week etc.

Binging is the consumption of excessive calorie. In order to gain one pound, you would have to eat 3500 calories in excess of what you burn (3500 calories = 1 pound).

If you binged and ate 3500 calories more than you burned in a single day, you would gain one pound in one day. That would mean 3500 + calories burned bmr (2000). You would have to eat around 5500 calories in a day to gain a pound.

So yes, you COULD gain one pound in one day. That's a substantial binge.

I've been binge eating for the past three days. How do I stop before I make it a complete habit?
Q. I've been really stressed out for the past days and I have been binge eating like crazy. I used to binge eat a lot, almost every day, but I got rid of the habit for the last two months or so. But ever since a couple of days ago it came back. I'm starting to build the habit again. How do I stop??? Its like in my system and I can't let it go!

A. Dude same problem right here..... Um well of course the answer everyone gives you is excercise but when Im craving that little snack cake in the pantry my mind isn't on running laps. Okay heres what Ives done. If there's nothing to do like if your bored then instead of eating the first delicious thing you see, make an effort to make something. If your hunting for that little debbie cake, go make your own. Im serious just go buy the cake mix and whatever other ingredients u need , (Iguess you could consider this some form of excercise) and go home and make it. It takes at least an hour, it has you goal oriented, and plus you feel a little form of satisfaction. Plus this will get you energized enough to get other things done of course afyter you have a bite of whatever you made. The tempatiion is not as bad. Oh another thing, I know this sounds like something an annorexic would do but make water popcicles. Freeze water ice cubes with sticks in then an it give yous something to keep your mouth occupied. Gum works too. Lol hope I helped sorry I wrote a book... but seriously you have to try it...

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