How long will drinking alcohol sustain me nutritionally?


I'm on a bender, but I do not want to die. I'm just wondering how long I can survive on the calories of alcohol alone. I'm drinking 40% ABV stuff mostly, and I've got plenty of water.
I'm a good typer lol. Also, automatic spell-check is king.

Oh yeah, and I'm sorry for typing this everyday (twice), but no one answered me the first time and I was concerned about the whole dying thing.

A. The Calories of alcohol aren't the real issue in regards to "How long will drinking sustain me?" I mean, a big glass of vodka or gin (40% ADV) has bout 200 calories. So, taking that as the rule, you will need about 10 glasses of Vodka to reach the 2000 calories recommended for an average adult. However, Vodka and Gin do not have any Carbohydrates, and you need those as well. So throw in a few beers (about 13g of carbs for a 12 oz bottle) and you will have that covered.

There is plenty of fat in alcohol and such, so don't worry about that. One thing to consider if you are wanting to live solely on booze during the binge is that you should have some (many) mixed drinks that have a lot of water in them as you will dehydrate quickly and alcohol will dehydrate you.

The real issue here is all the nutrients you will be losing. You, if you go too long, will run a risk of something called "Korsakoff's syndrome". It is a vitamin B deficiency that will suck huge ass if you get. So, if you don't want to lose your memory and all the other fun things that are involved with the syndrome try to shot a few vitamins with your Vodka.

Try making your White Russians with Slimfast or something and have bloody mary's for the tomato juice. If you want to go on a real bender and not permanently fuck your body you need to do those things. To sum up: Keep Hydrated, Diversity your Alcohol, Keep vitamins in check and Mixed Drinks with juices and such.

So, I wouldn't go longer than a few days, 3 or 4. After that you may just die. Hell, after 2 days you may die for all I know, it depends a lot on you. I would say that you should listen to your body and if you are feeling like you are weak or sick, stop!

I have only done a bender of a good three day weekend myself. I also did eat food during more lucid moments and I stopped when my body started rejecting the food/booze (vomiting). It also took A LOT of time to recover, like a full week.

How long does it take for your liver to fully recover from being drunk?
Q. 21/f
I'm an otherwise healthy person. I exercise, eat right, and take vitamins.. My only bad habit is getting totally drunk (6+ drinks in under 2 hours) about 1-4 times per month. How long should I wait in-between drinking sessions to ensure that my liver is fully healed each time?

A. Binge drinking is what you are doing which can also cause cirrhosis and liver failure in time. Everyone is different as to how their body handles alcohol. If you are one of the less fortunate ones, then you could be looking at trouble with liver disease in the future. You are drinking too much.

How long would it take an otherwise healthy 31 year old man?
Q. to recover from a beer binge? If the man in question consumed an average of 24 16oz beers in the span of 24 hours how long would it take his otherwise healthy system to recover fully? He is 230 lbs 6 ft 2 and is a moderate drinker.
because my husband overdid it this weekend and I was concerned for him.

A. 16x24= 384oz. (the amount of beer he drank)
384/12= 32 (units of alcohol - or the equivalent of 32 12oz. beers)

I know this is gonna sound crazy, but his size has nothing to do with how quickly he can metabolize the alcohol. It would be about 30-32 hours for him to not be drunk anymore, and about another 24 for him to process the metabolites of alcohol (which would be acetic acid) out of his body.

The problem is compounded slightly by the fact that alcohol has a tendency to strip the body of water and B-vitamins. If he just eats more or less as he regularly would, it'd probably take two or three days after he was sober to get back to his old self again. If he were to take a B-supplement and eat foods high in complex carbohydrates, increase his sodium intake just a little, and drink a lot of clear liquids, you could cut that post-drunken recovery time in about half.

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