How do I stop my binge eating habit?

Q. I have a problem with binge eating junk food.
When it comes to meals, like pasta or meat, I don't have a problem eating the right amount, but when I try to eat just a bit of desserts or chips and stuff like that I can't stop.
I'm not huge, i'm 155 pounds, but i'm afraid that I'll go down the path of obesity if I don't fix this.

Do you guys have any tips?

A. I have the same problem too!
I heard if you eat a 100 calorie piece of dark chocolate every day it helps curb your craving for salty and sweet food, making you eat less of it. I've also heard if you eat peppermint right after dinner it curbs your appetite and you'll eat less dessert. I'm going to try the peppermint thing soon, since it's got less calories than the chocolate. It's good to indulge every once in a while. One day of overeating won't cause you to gain more weight. It's only if you do it all the time.
You could google home remedies of ways to curb your appetite so you don't binge eat junk food (just don't do it with the rest of the foods you eat if you don't have a problem with them :P)

how do I prevent myself from binge eating today?
Q. im going to be home alone today so i know im going to be binge eating ALL day and i cannot afford anymore binging! how do i prevent it? my mom just went food shopping and bought all my favorite foods and i want them ):

what do i do?
can i just binge for today and start my diet tomorrow?
or binge and do LOTS of exercise?

A. No don't binge today. When you think about binging think about how you will feel after. Whenever I would binge I would feel happy while I was eating but then after was a disaster..I would feel guilty and upset and start crying like crazy. Avoid that lol.

Think about the fact that if you store more fat it will just be extra fat you are going to have to work off. It isn't worth it.

How to deal with binge eating disorder BY YOURSELF?
Q. I'm positive I have binge eating disorder. It started 3 and a half years ago, lightly at first but 2 years ago it got worse. I tried to talk to my mother that all this is not normal but she thinks I'm overreacting and that it's all in my head. I don't really know what caused my BED but I want to deal with it and for now professional help is not an option so what can I do to overcome it?

P.S. I'm 21.

A. Please, please go into the hospital and get help for your BED. I'm 22 and just went through the smae thing. I did Inpatient for a week and then OP (outpatient) for 5 more before discharge. It has been overwhelming, sad, hard, difficult, and also life changing, beautiful, and wonderful. You will meet people who you will stay friends with for life. Don't be scared- if you are, that's ok too, only natural. I was TERRIFIED my first day when I went in, and by the end, I loved all of the girls (and guys) I had met and was sad to leave them, but on we must go into the world and away from the eating disorde.

We did 8:15 weigh in, breakfast till 9. then process group (talking about feelings and current day to day situations) until 10:30. then a snack. then spirituality or nutrition or something like that until 11:45. then lunch. then expressive therapy until 2. then we would break apart into various groups like restricting, binge eating, etc whatever you're dealing with. then another snack... and then home. in patient is the same kind of stuff just longer hours and more rules. even in outpatient though, you have to show your tray and show that you're not hiding anything. no exercising- everyone is on exercise restriction. no napkins or pockets where you can hide food. bathroom breaks are monitered. we also have to do challenge foods once a week that we would normally restrict, or binge and purge on. also meetings with dieticians, psychiatrists, and case managers and so forth. It's hard but it is SO worth it. It can't be any harder than staying in your ED, and the result of getting better is the more positive choice.

Best of luck- get well and be brave.


Can eating disorder homes force or make you eat? Or is that go against any laws?
Q. I have a binge eating disorder and my mom is using taking me a recovry home/ center. Can they make me eat? or by law can they not be allowed to? Anybody know?

A. If you are a minor, I think a legal guardian can sign a "waiver" that empowers an institution/clinc,etc., to implement a medically approved program of this type. They can not ABUSE you, but it does not guarantee that you are going to like,or approve of their requirements. They would be doing things to "break" bad eating habits, and control when(and what) you eat, when and how much you excersize, etc..
Obviously, no one likes to be told what to do , and bad habits are difficult to break.
Hopefully, though seemingly unpleasant one would be there to change and improve, and well...sometimes, you just gotta do what ya gotta do.
In such a program (competently run), one should relent to doing what they ask to do, as the whole purpose is to HELP you.
Hope THIS helped. Good luck. Peace.

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