Do you agree with this view about fat people?

Q. Some obese people binge eat and drink, and they grow fatter, and people have sympathy for them, when really, their problem is not any different from those who turn to drugs, pornography or shopping. It's only easier for others to sympathize with fat people because they've an image problem, and most people are very conscious about their image.

I personally have no sympathy for such people.

A. Hmmm I think I agree. My parents are always watching those weight loss shows and feeling so bad for the people on them and I just sit there thinking "What? It's their fault that they got that way." I know in some cases it's legitimately not entirely their fault, but in most cases they had personal problems, and they handled them the wrong way. Lots of other people in the world have the same problems, but they handled it in a healthy way.

I've been binge eating for the past three days. How do I stop before I make it a complete habit?
Q. I've been really stressed out for the past days and I have been binge eating like crazy. I used to binge eat a lot, almost every day, but I got rid of the habit for the last two months or so. But ever since a couple of days ago it came back. I'm starting to build the habit again. How do I stop??? Its like in my system and I can't let it go!

A. That's easy!!
when you feel like you want to eat, drink water, your brain sometimes confuses thirst with hunger.
Wear an elastic band around your arm, and whenever you feel like binge eating then ping it!!
And if you want to lose weight, then drink water before you eat, and while you eat.. constantly sip on water.. it REALLY helps!! I'm loosing soooo much thanks to water!!
make water your new best friend!!
Good luck!! =D

How to control binge eating and start losing weight?
Q. I seem to think that food is like my friend or something. This is a real problem. I am 134 and yesterday I was 132,, and the week before 126.. This bing eating problem is getting out of control. I am 5'3", Female, what weight should I be for a flat stomach?also how can I stop binge eating and lose weight?

A. Not to weigh yourself on a daily basis
your weight changes for any reason form one day to the next
if you have to get on a scale do it once a week...
same day of the week and same time of the day

eat 3 meals a day and 2 snacks
or since you do binge
eat 6 small meals thoughout the day like every 2 to 3 hours
that is so you don't get hungry in between meals and possibly won't binge
no junk food, cut out sugar, eat healthy...
drinks lots of water
find some type of exercise you like to do
and do it at least 5 days of the week

who knows how much you should weigh for a flat stomach
someone might know...however I don't

btw--your weight is normal for your height

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