Can someone give me tips on living in Mumbai?

Q. I've lived in several countries but never in India. Looking to find out best neighborhoods, things to avoid, crime, costs, etc.. THANKS!

A. WOW. Amelia has kinda sumerised it all. Lol although she's over the top on some counts, but mostly bang on. Good one amelia.
Ok I am an Indian and have lived in both Bangalore and Mumbai (bombay). There are a lot of things you need to look into when shifting countries, here are a few tips for India-

1-Stock loads of mosquito repellents and face-wash's.
2-Do not give money to beggers. Give them food instead.
3- Always look for the MRP (max retail price) on any branded product. For unbranded products..bargain like there is no tomorrow.
4-Always take off your shoes before entering a place of worship (except churches. you are allowed to wear shoes there). Also OFFER to take em off before entering somebody's house. If they are traditional orthodox people they will love it and if they are a li'll modern, they will tell you its ok to keep your shoes on.
5-Strictly DO NOT EAT ANYTHING on the roadside. Also at most restaurants ask for bottled water, unless you are at a good 3 or 5 star kinda place.
6-For living, look for a neighbourhood which looks cosmo enough. If you are looking for low rent, you might get stuck in a neighbourhood full of middle class orthodox people and everything from you clothes to your friends (opposites sex) will be eyed with suspision and your parties will be presumed to be the worst kind of sexual binges. Even the women will stop talkin to you. lol funny but trust me its true.
7-Amelia is right bout the left hand right hand thing, taking or giving with your left hand is considered rude. Use your right hand instead. Using both hands is considered as giving lot of respect.
Lol also what Amelia said bout asking 'have u had your breakfast" is soo true. But it is limited to Bangalore and some social groups in bombay. Basically it is limited to more orthodox people. I used to find it so amusing when i was in bangalore.
8-REFUSE to give bribes. Infact most big cities have a help line which you can use to complaint about anybody asking for bribes in govt offices. Also threatning to go to the highest authority in that office might discourage those seeking bribes.
9-Crimes against women are a lot in India, but fortunately Bombay is better than most places like Delhi. But try not to go out alone late nights. Although Bombay is pretty safe for gals, probably the safest in India.
10-Cost of most essentials are pretty cheap. Cost of living also is quite less compared to europe, US, australia etc.
11-Never hand over your passport and other document to anybody unless you trust them. And credit cards never. A lot of cases happen with people posing as employees of credit card companies and take your credit card on the pretext of replacing it. DO NOT FALL FOR IT. Although im sure this is not a problem limited to India, but just a word of caution.
12- The summers in most of India are pretty bad. Bombay is one of the worst. You prespire like mad, so always wear light coloured, loose clothes. And keep a deodrant spray handy
13- Most Indians are helpful people and will go out of their way to help a foreigner. So do not hesitate to ask for help in dire needs.

I cud go on and on, but need to limit it. Pls feel free to ask for any specific querry you have. feel free to mail me.

Oh and yes....India is a beautiful country, so do not miss any opportunities to visit places. The north of India like Delhi, Rajasthan and of course the Taj Mahal are amazingly beautiful and mesmerising.
Hope you have a good stay here and welcome to India!

How can I stop binge-eating in the middle of the night?

A. Brush your teeth, this definetely helps suppress appetite. Also drink water if you feel like binging, this may just be your body saying it is thirsty.

How do stop binge eating?
Q. Hi I'm 27 year old female and I have binge eating problems. I do not purge but
I consume alot of food in one sitting several times a day sometimes .what can I do to stop this . It is at its worst in the middle of the night

A. What brings on the binge? Is it emotional? Is it actual hunger? Is it that you are eating something so tasty that you just can't get enough? I would assume if you do this multiple times a day that you are steadily gaining weight.

An appetite suppressant might work if it's because of hunger. If so, why are you so hungry? Are you getting a balance of protein, fats, and good carbs? Do your binges consist of a bag of chips, ice cream, and a box of oreos? You might not be getting the correct nutrients.

With all this said, I would contact your primary care doctor and talk to them about this. There may be underlying reasons. You never want to drastically change your diet without the guidance of a doctor. Don't be embarrassed, this is what doctors are for, to help you be healthy. You won't be judged...

Good luck!

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