Can a normal psychologist help me with eating and weight issues?

Q. I am not anorexic or bulimic but I feel like I have an eating disorder. I'm overweight, considered "obese" by my Doctor, although I do not look like what you usually picture as such. I'm about 30 lbs away from my goal weight. I am and have been plagued by thoughts of my weight, what I should eat, gaining weight for as far as I can remember. I constantly barter with myself about finally exercising, get up, and do it...etc. but then I don't. If I have a craving for a certain food, I think about that certain type of food all day long until I get it and eat it. Then I feel sick, and disgusted with myself for eating it. I go through phases where I'll be really into exercising, lose 15-20 lbs, and then go on binges in the next weeks after and gain it all back. Are there others like me? How can I find help?

A. A psychologist (PhD) is your best bet, actually, rather than an MFT or MFCC. They are specifically trained to alter aberrant behavior and thoughts like the ones you are experiencing.

If I starve and start to eat in a little amounts and start working out, will the weight come back?
Q. Yeah I know starving is bad etc... So would the weight come back? If i starve for a little and the start eating in little amounts and increase it to normal amounts would I gain it all back?

A. well you gained weight with your now diet so obviously when you go back to eating if you eat that many calories you will gain weight...

but for example lets say you eat 2000 a day now
and for you ideal weight you only need 1500...
you can eat 1500 after you lose weight and it will be fine...but if you eat 2000 you would gain a pound back a week...

but now Im not saying not to "starve/well sorta..doing it will make you sick and tired and you will either binge or end up to tired to even wanna go out and look good thin...

so just cut back your calories VERY STRICT... dont eat much..but do eat...
when you eat have fruits and doesnt matter what kind(just not avacodos and the fatty kinds) try carrots,celery raw or cooked but with nothing added and whatever fruits..but melons are especiially good they flush out the fat a little faster... drink water only..and diet green tea if you pop or anything else it messes with your metabolism...also eat some LEAN PROTEIN like grilled chicken, turkey, ect. just stay away from hamburgers...

no this is health risky yes so I "Techncally" advise you not to do it..but this is what I did and was very succestful...

one day ate 1000 calories... then next only 500 and back and forth..and it was enough food to keep me from ever getting tired..but I lose weight so fast because of the very low days...
it was hard but worth it in the end...

OH AND BACK TO YOUR ACTUAL QUESTION sorry lol..but no I didnt gain it back..its proven as long as you slowly go back to like each 1100 for a couple days then 1200 for a couple then so on until you get to whatever you need (for most people its close to 1500 a day)
the reason people gain is because they go back to eating"normal" which isnt what supposed to be normal its the way that made them gain the weight in the first place...

also eatig spicy things helps boost your metabolism

How can you put the fork down and stop binge eating?
Q. Sometimes I just start eating and then can't stop.

A. I don't have a real answer for you. I can just say I can relate. At dinner, especially if it's something really good...I eat and eat and eat it. I can out-eat my husband! I am not proud of this by any means. But it's sooo hard to stop. I can only say to you that once I joined Curves and started working out everyday I found myself not wanting so much. I actually eat less (I think) I would eat until I literally couldn't shove anymore food in my face. I would feel so sick because I wasn't just full...I was stuffed. Seriously...after blaming the dryer for my clothes shrinking. I was a size 8, then a 10 then a 12 and now a size 12 or 13 I had to come to terms that the dryer WASN'T at fault joined the center and really started to just not go for seconds, I eat a salad at dinner before I eat what I cooked or drink a glass of milk before I eat, that way I don't eat as much of the other stuff. The only thing I can say is look...really look at yourself, look at an obese person walking in the mall or where ever and that what I want to look like? Then, decide for yourself how you are going to put the fork down...and do it. It's not easy by no means...but it will be worth it. Good luck!

How do you get over a binge eating disorder?
Q. I am almost positive have it. I just self-diagnosed myself with this earlier today, and I'm just curious if this is something I can fix by myself or if I need to consult a therapist about it.

A. Hey Honey.

Trust me, I've went through BED (binge eating disorder) AKA COD (compulsive overeating disorder). I had this issue for about a year, and gained 20lbs! I would be fine and eat very little in front of people, but once I was left alone - I binged on anything I could find - even if I didn't like it. I ate until I felt extremely sick. My stomach would be so full - it looked like I was pregnant! I felt hopeless.

I went to a psychiatrist - and was prescribed Wellbutrin. Wellbutrin often helps people with addiction (cigarettes in particular). My psychiatrist at the time thought that it might help me, and it did. I was depressed, and unaware about it. I didn't know why exactly I binged ate - I just did it.

Every once in a while, I get an urge to binge; however, I have so much more control and rationalization.

Talking with someone about helps immensely. You need support from your family. It's no different than anorexia or bulimia - an eating disorder is an eating disorder.

Best of luck, hun!!!

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